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Malwarebytes 3.0.6 CU3 and CryptoPrevent 8 Interaction

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As reported here by @TempLost, I have been encountering an issue when using CryptoPrevent Premium 8 (CP8) and Malwarebytes CU3 (MWB3).

I am running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit 1607 14393.693 and was running CP8 with

MWB Anti-Malware
MWB Anti Exploit
MWB Anti-Ransomware BETA 8, v.

without issue.

I recently upgraded to MWB CU3.

Before following the correct clean removal procedures for all the MWB software, I noted TempLost's reported issue with MWB 3.0.6 and CP 8. Therefore, I disabled CP8 when I installed MWB3 as well as all other security and non-essential software. After a successful install, I re-enabled the software, with the exception of CP8, for testing purposes.

I ran my system like this for about 4 days without issue. I then enabled Minimal Protection in CP, and ran for about 3 days, again without issue.

However, when I enabled Default Protection, MB 3 could not start Exploit Protection. This was flagged as disabled, at boot, and attempting to enable it showed 'Starting' but it did not enable. On one boot, Exploit Protection did manage to start, but Malware Protection (I think) was unable to start. This problem occurs on every boot, and thereafter.

Through multiple boots and testing, I have established that the setting "Prevent known malware from starting" in CP8 is causing the issue. I am running Default Protection with "Folder Watch", "Prevent File Types", all "Folder Watch" tab items selected as well as "Folder Watch HoneyPot" enabled. This configuration doesn't interfere with MWB when "Prevent known malware from starting" is disabled.

Current CP8 version in use is 8_0_3_2.

I have also reported this issue to Foolish IT.

If there is any further information I can supply to aid you in this matter, please let me know.



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Hi MWBAM_Customer,

I now seem to be running pretty well for the most part with Windows 7 x64, CryptoPrevent 8.0 on default protection and Malwarebytes Premium Component Version 1.0.75 after having carried out an uninstallation of MB 3 and using the MB Clean tool before reinstallation. I still have some intermittent issues but I don't think they're related to CryptoPrevent.

I'd be interested to know what FoolishIT have to say on the matter. They're pretty responsive to support requests in my experience. 

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