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More errors. Why not post code for help?

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I have 3.06

It seems that you tried to fix Exploit prevention being turned off every time you reboot but it wasn't a success.

Now, web protection goes to starting (so no early start which is dangerous) and I have to reboot a few times to get it to work.


It's been since November...  Why don't you post your entire code then people can you you fix it since, not to be rude, but it doesn't seem that you guys can.  It's been months and you fixed one, broke another and now two are broke.  I'm sure that you're trying but people who paid and didn't get a lifetime license are getting screwed over.  Since you can't fix it, why not post everything.  Some of Reddit's people have fixed other products.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello @Plo83

Can you please let us know what version of Component Updates your product has?

We just released a new version of MB 3.0.6 CU4 that fixes  a lot of potential Real time Features not starting up.

Please check the following post to try the new build.

If you are still experiencing issues on the latest build CU4, we can get some logs and help you troubleshoot the issue.

Thank you

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  • 1 month later...

I realized that I never responded to this.  I'm sorry btw.  It was a post that was ''cocky''.  I know the complexity of simple software and you guys serve millions of people.  Issues are bound to arise.  Please accept my apology.  I was likely having a bad day and should not have taken it out on your lovely staff.

There clearly are still issues but they always seem to be fixed fairly promptly.

Thank you.

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