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PC Matic


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 As I have said in the past I have run Malwarebytes and PC Matic for several years. I have liked both programs but now that they do not run together I have removed Malwarebytes. I feel that in the past PC Matic had better protection for viruses than Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes did find malware. If I ran PC Matic first and Malwarebytes later it never did come up with any malware. Both my computers seem to run better after running PC Matic.  This is just my feelings. I am just running PC Matic now. I would purchase Malwarebytes again if they would run together.  

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If PC Matic stuck with being an anti-virus/anti-malware and had not included all the optimizing features (registry ect. Even Ms themselves do not recommend them) Malwarebytes would not have classified them as a PUP. 



Edited by Porthos
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People on this forum may be interested in another thread I created on this issue:

https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/warning-it-is-claimed-malwarebytes-is-appropriately-named.63763/ (I hope posting of links to external, non-commercial (in this case a leading UK charity) forums, is allowed by the rules of this forum)

Of particular note is that I replied to PC Pitstop's thread about the so-called "threat" of Malwarebytes, pointing them to the above thread; they deleted my reply. It would seem, as I pointed out in a subsequent reply to the above thread, that PC Pitstop can't take it when a criticism of them is a consensus, so they can't explain it away as an isolated opinion...

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On 22/12/2016 at 9:11 PM, Geraldm37 said:

I would keep Malwarebytes but they don't have the optimizing feasters and a lot of other things PC Matic has

And as I said in the more detailed reply to which I pointed in my reply to this thread, the "optimizing features and a lot of other things" are what would make me ditch PC Matic (with alacrity), rather than Malwarebytes. I hate programs which reckon that they know better than me which kinds of files are "unwanted", since these far too often include important (to me at least) stuff such as browser history, and just over a year ago I ditched CCleaner for precisely that reason.

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I have been using both PC Matic and Malwarebytes (the full paid for versions of both) for years with no problem and I've been quite pleased both products. They each add value in a different way and used to work well together. I recently ran malwarebytes and it came up with a whole bunch of pups pointing to pcmatic, and I am not pleased. I have uninstalled malwarebytes and intend to continue running pcmatic, I am puzzled by the timing of this sudden change to MWB after peaceful coexistence for so many years. Could it have something to do the recent test released by pcmatic in which MWB did not fare well? 


I urge MWB to please resolve their differences with PCmatic and let users like me decide what functions of either product we want to use. 


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Like many 1000's of others, I have always used MWB and PC Matic together with excellent results, as each has their own strengths and weaknesses.  I cannot understand the childish and immature behavior of MWB treating another well-known AV program as a PUP and removing it.  Beyond being unprofessional it is potentially dangerous to users who rely on both for the protection of their data.

Accordingly, I'm uninstalling MWB, reinstalling PC Matic and recommending that all my clients do so as well.  I am will cease to recommend it to my clients until such time as MWB comes to their collective senses.  What MWB has done is unprecedented and totally unprofessional.  Additionally I have to be wary of MWB's refusal to participate in public AV tests, as required by Microsoft's partner agreement.  What do you have to hide?  I certainly wouldn't trust my data protection to a company who won't even submit to public tests of it capabilities.  I have also written to Microsoft urging them to enforce their rules for companies to partner with them and drop you if you refuse public testing.

MWB - Get your head out of your butt!

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4 hours ago, BillDksn said:

Like many 1000's of others, I have always used MWB and PC Matic together with excellent results, as each has their own strengths and weaknesses.  I cannot understand the childish and immature behavior of MWB treating another well-known AV program as a PUP and removing it.  Beyond being unprofessional it is potentially dangerous to users who rely on both for the protection of their data.

Accordingly, I'm uninstalling MWB, reinstalling PC Matic and recommending that all my clients do so as well.  I am will cease to recommend it to my clients until such time as MWB comes to their collective senses.  What MWB has done is unprecedented and totally unprofessional.  Additionally I have to be wary of MWB's refusal to participate in public AV tests, as required by Microsoft's partner agreement.  What do you have to hide?  I certainly wouldn't trust my data protection to a company who won't even submit to public tests of it capabilities.  I have also written to Microsoft urging them to enforce their rules for companies to partner with them and drop you if you refuse public testing.

MWB - Get your head out of your butt!

I am really confused which program to use. I am like you BillDksn I have been running both MWB and PC Matic and liked them both. I don't feel protect with just one. After reading all the information I could fine on both programs on the net I removed PC Matic and went with MWB 3.0 and now find my laptop running much slower. I am going to remove MWB in it and go back to PC Matic. PC Matic must be doing something right.

I say the same MWB - Get your head out of you butt! Your going to lose customers.


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I find it laughable that it is only new members (yes I know that I appear to be a new member as well) are saying positive things about PC Matic and/or PC Pitstop.  I have always cautioned my clients against using any of their products and the explanations as provided by both companies as to why it either should or should not be detected just confirm my decision.  PC Matic whines about the unfairness of the action, even tho it is left up to the user to make the ultimate decision, while Malwarebytes explains in great detail why the actions were taken.  

If you are looking for a recommendation, dump PC Matic, stay with Malwarebytes to detect MALWARE and get yourself a copy of ESET NOD or AVAST for your anti-virus needs.


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