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Possible FPs Android/Trojan.Ransom.Agent.my

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I have 5 apk apps on my old Galaxy S4, that is being detected as suggested above. This phone is old, so I only occasionally use it on WiFi. These apps were clean on 12/7, but began being detected as such on the 11th or 12th. I've not installed any new apps in that time, and Avast reports I only visited 22 websites in the intervening period. 

Have no idea what to think. I've not had any files on the phone become locked in any way. I removed my removable storage, but am afraid to do much else. 

The 5 reported apps are:

Soundhound infinity


MyBackup Pro


Camera Zoom FX


What's interesting is that the apk files listed in each apps folder are all called pkg.apk. Is that normal? 

If not, do I just remove these as per your app? What is my risk to the files on my storage card and files still on the Android?

Avast doesn't detect any problems on the phone. 

Please advise. And how did this happen? Did not install any apps or do updates. Nor did I get any warning while going to the websites. Only use Google play with one or two apps from Amazon. 

I'm using the MB beta, and have re-run with same 5 detections using the last 3 recent database updates. 

Help... Thank you. 


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Hi Quixotic1ca,

Thank for reporting this to us. The information you provided doesn't tell us much about the detections. Could you provide a screen cap of the scan results or post what MBAMM detects these files as? This will help us determine if they are an FP or not.



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