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@pondus, the only way I can reproduce the first one is if I try to use an actually banned account and the second one only occurs if you try to access a part of the site when you haven't logged in yet (aka effectively you are a "Guest").

Looking at the URL in the second screenshot and what was actually embedded in the URL in your first post before you edited it, that is an action that a Guest cannot perform (https://forums.malwarebytes.org/forum/175-forums-announcements-feedback/?do=add). My guess here is you may have accidentally been logged out of the forums. 

If you can share any sort of steps to reproduce these issues differently, please let me know so we can track down the problem with IPS.

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9 minutes ago, AlexSmith said:

Looking at the URL in the second screenshot and what was actually embedded in the URL in your first post before you edited it, that is an action that a Guest cannot perform (https://forums.malwarebytes.org/forum/175-forums-announcements-feedback/?do=add). My guess here is you may have accidentally been logged out of the forums.

Yepp the second pic was probaly my fault clicking the link after i logged out, and yes i have edited the url as it is now correct

Anyway the first picture happend when i clicked the bookmark in my Chrome browser, i use that evry time i go to the forum (you see it at top right in the picture) and it happend 3-4 times before the normal site loaded


Edited by pondus
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4 minutes ago, pondus said:

Yepp the second pic was probaly my fault clicking the link after i logged out, and yes i have edited the url as it is now correct

Anyway the first picture happend when i clicked the bookmark in my Chrome browser, i use that evry time i go to the forum (you see it at top right in the picture) and it happend 3-4 times before the normal site loaded

Alright, so one of two problems are solved. Can you look at the actual bookmark and check the URL? What is it set to?

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