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Works faultlessly on my Windows 7 64bit and Windows XP SP3 (SSE2 processor) systems. As is typical of a user with no self-control, all Advanced Settings are checked with the exception of Ret Rop Gadget Protections (Chrome browser options ARE checked). Additional shields for SumatraPDF (pdf) and Mozilla Thunderbird (other) are in use.

I guess that support for pre-SSE2 processors is at an end. If that is the case, I hope that automatic updating is inhibited for systems with SSE only processors.

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Just installed x.1208.   Quick/preliminary testing showed no problems... seems to be working fine on Win8.1, Win7x64 SP1 (with EMET 3.x) and WinXP SP3 (+EMET 2.x).

Note:   These older versions of EMET don't seem to cause compatibility issues as occur with EMET 4.x and newer.   So I'm just leaving well-enough alone here.  

Edited by ky331
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