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Malwarebytes system tray icon drop menu hidden

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My Malwarebytes system tray icon drop menu is dysfunctional. When right-clicking on the icon, the (drop) menu expands DOWN below the edge of my screen instead of UP like it should. I have not experienced this with any other system tray icons, EVER. I have tried going through Cleverbridge Support in the past, and no solution has come of it. The only way I can access the dropdown menu is to temporarily grab the windows bottom notification bar and drag it up to see the Malwarebytes dropdown menu items, then drag it back down. This is inacceptable. My first guess is that Malwarebytes is still not supporting 4k resolutions. Again, no problem with every other system tray icon. They all 'drop-down' UP as they should. Only the Malwarebytes wants to 'drop-down' DOWN.

System: Windows 10, Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 (latest drivers), screen resolution set to 3840 x 2860, Dell P2715Q 4k monitor.



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Hello and :welcome:, @BarkityBark:

I'm not sure about the 4K display question, as I've not seen a similar issue reported here in the forum, yet.
We'll need to wait for a Malwarebytes staff member to respond.

Each computer is unique, and I am not on a 4K display, but my context menu pops UP, not down (specs for this system are in my sig block).  See screen shot.
Having said that, it might help the staff members to know a bit more detail about your MBAM installation and system.
To do that, I suggest following the advice here: Diagnostic Logs.
Then, please ATTACH ALL 3 logs to your next reply (FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt).
They will help the staff to troubleshoot your issue.



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OK, fair enough.

Such logs are posted many 100s of times a day here and at similar fora.  There's nothing in them of any use to crooks.
But if you are not comfortable posting them here, then I suggest opening a ticket directly at the Help Desk HERE.
The support staff will be happy to assist you, one-on-one via email.

If you change your mind, we'd be happy to assist here in the forum.
But, as we are not in front of your computer, we would need those logs to begin basic troubleshooting.

Thanks again for reporting the issue and for your patience,

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There's nothing in them of any use to crooks.

Nobody can guarantee that.

Thanks for the support link. I copied and pasted my post to them. Wish me luck (this time)!

Please keep this topic active in the forum, in case anyone else chimes in. Additionally, if Support solves this, I will post the answer at the bottom.



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Here's the reply I received from Malwarebytes Support below. My guess that they have not had the time or expertise to field a program to the public without covering something as basic as screen resolution was unfortunately correct. I'm disappointed in this company. Who would have thought? All of my other tray icons don't have this bug. 'JV team' stuff, in my opinion. In the meantime, deleting the icon from my desktop, as it is useless.


SEP 19, 2016  |  06:24AM PDT 
Tom replied:

Hello and welcome to Malwarebytes consumer support. My name is Tom Mercado and I’ll be assisting you today.

Yes we still have some bugs in higher resolution systems which should be addressed in the next version due out later in the year’

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

Let us know if you need any additional help or have any other questions in this regard.

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I understand your frustration.

I am just a home user, so I do not speak for the company or the developers.

But I am more interested in the program's capabilities under the hood to detect and disinfect malware than I am about a cosmetic issue, such as the system tray icon context menu.
The easy workaround for the context menu issue -- pending a fix with MBAM 3.0 due in the near future -- would be to access the GUI from the desktop shortcut icon.

But, it's up to you, of course.

I'm sorry there was not a satisfactory resolution to your problem.

Thanks for taking the time to report your findings,

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