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False positive with 7zip


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the program (MBARW v0.9.17.661 Beta n°8) has made one mistake with 7-zip (v16.02 x64).
It's happened several days ago when I try to remove a folder (with the admin rights via 7-zip).

Let me know, if you believe the logs (seem's explain on this topic) could provide a few more details. I ignore if the detection is still present... not too late ? Because I had restore 7-zip from the quarantine and add as exclusion. It was possible only after a restart and I don't a trouble with the both (quarantine, exclusion).

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This should have been fixed already though. The fact that you excluded it doesn't show it in the logs anymore.

So as a test, can you remove the exclusion and let me know if it's still detected? If so (still detected), please zip and attach the exact file it detected.




Edited by miekiemoes
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