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More Norton detections in MBAM temp file...


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Hello All,

I'm posting again (just some 5 days since the last) because Norton has detected 2 more temp files which it identifies as threats within MBAM files: 1. Trojan.KillAV; and 2. Ransom.Bucbi (screenshot attached).  I'm a little concerned as I have now had 5 of these in the past month, whereas previously they would occur no more than once or twice a year.  I'm presuming that they are perhaps false-positives again (due to their being located in MBAM files) but would be very grateful for that reassurance and any advice on how - if possible - I might minimise these occurrences.  Should I also delete the quarantined files?

Many thanks


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Malwarebytes doesn't create such tmp files in the malwarebytes anti-malware directory. I don't think these files are created by malware either after reading many posts regarding this on the Norton forums, eg: http://community.norton.com/en/forums/norton-360-premier-flagged-malwarebytes-tmp-file

To me, It rather looks like during Norton's scan, while it enumerates (which basically means scanning) this directory, has a hiccup here, because I don't think these files even exist there. If you would restore them from quarantine, don't think they will show back in the Malwarebytes directory.

I suggest you report this in the norton forums though, as this isn't anything we can do on our end.

In either way, there's nothing to worry here.

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Thank you for your reassurance, Mieke.

What troubles me somewhat is that I have 3 other PCs on this home network, all of which are configured similarly to mine, i.e. Windows 10, Norton, MBAM & MBAE, however mine is the only one picking up these so called false positives. Is there a good reason why that would be, do you think?  I'm also a little unsettled by the increasing frequency - not wishing to sound neurotic, though!!

Thanks again


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Hi Neil,

I don't know why it only does that on this certain PC though. My thought is that Nortont has problems with enumerating the files there for some reason.

This has been reported a few times in the Norton forums already - it's an enumeration issue with Norton and not with Malwarebytes here.

Here's a similar thread:

We've tried to reproduce the same in the past as well, but so far, we haven't been able to reproduce this yet - So Norton support might give some more insight here since I know this has been reported to them many times already.

For now, I suggest you add the Malwarebytes folder to your Norton Exclusions - as these .tmp files are certainly no threat at all.

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