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Redirecting malware while browsing

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I am using Samsung galaxy S4. Now I am fed up and frustrated with this redirecting malwares while browsing. The sites it leads to are gocloudly.com and maxonclick.com . Tried various solutions given in various websites, YouTube, downloaded malwarebyte app and scanned but shows no malwares detected. What should I do??? Please help...

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Hi Anandu,

Unfortunately this is caused by how the browsers are handling javascript and the redirections. Chrome and other browsers don't do a great job of preventing these redirects or pop-ups. This behavior is similar to ad pop-ups and redirections on your PC. Advertising affiliates have found this loop hole and have been exploiting it. If they get shutdown it’s only a temporary fix, cause they’ll be back with a new affiliate id.
The only way to block is to try a different browser, disable javascript or install Ad-block Plus. Ad-block Plus works only with Wifi and needs additional configuration, but works.

Or, you can try a browser with ad-blocking built in like Opera.

If you encounter these pop-ups again, back out of the using Android's back key.

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Thanks a lot for your prompt reply.

I downloaded adblocker browser app from play store. I feel its working fine now. Is this app ok or should I download Adblock plus? 

And I have one more doubt. I am using a wifi connection for my pc and mobile. In my pc also I noticed some problems during browsing. Usually in a web page for selecting a link the mouse pointer changes to hand symbol no. But in mine from few days, its not changing to that and I am unable to select that link. When I click with that pointer it will redirect to different website. Two times this redirect happens while clicking and 3rd time this pointer will change to hand symbol and only the 3rd time I can select that link.

Is there any possibility of my wifi or connection getting hacked?. If so how can I get rid of that?

I am using kaspersky Internet security in my pc for long time.

Waiting for your most valuable advise...

Thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

Same here, started happening 2 days ago. Redirects to:

- wonderlandads.com/afu.php?zoneid=437742

- www.gocloudly.com/goac/index.html?

- www.maxonclick.com/a/display.php?r=1033103


Only happens on my home router connection, all my connected are affected simultaneously:

- Win 7 laptop (Chrome and Firefox browsers)

- Win XP desktop (Firefox)

- Xperia Z5 (Chrome and Dolphin browsers)

- Samsung Galaxy S5 (Chrome and Samsung default browsers)


Based on several forums' suggestions I've read, this might be a tempered router DNS problem or an adware problem. So I did:

- Scanned both laptop and desktop with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, no problem detected.

- Scanned both laptop and desktop with Adwcleaner, found and deleted several adwares.

- Forced stopped all browsers on both phones, cleared browsers' cache and data, and restarted phones.

- Reset my router to factory setting and updated the firmware

Problem seemed to go away at first, but apparently it still persists, though weirdly it happens less frequently on my laptop and desktop now, still happens everytime on my Xperia phone though. I checked with ISP, the router DNS are not tempered, both are set to their secure DNS.


I'm outta ideas, anybody here has any solution to this?

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  • 3 months later...

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