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I saw a post about fake tech support is the reason that you blocked Issuu. I have been a customer of theirs for 3 years and have dealt with their Tech Support several times. How did you come about finding "Fake Tech Support". I have had nothing but pleasant experiences with them and now you've blacklisted our magazine source right after we distributed our latest issue. I'm not sure how this was determined but if theirs no malicious script on their website I don't think it should be considered malware. Seems odd you punish customers of theirs for bad a bad technical support call. 

As a Issuu customer, I have had nothing but positive experiences with them over the past 3 years. See the magazine we produce at:

magazine . gaiscioch  .com

which is hosted by Issuu.

Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley
Managing Editor
Gaiscioch Magazine

Edited by AdvancedSetup
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To be clear, this is nothing to do with issuu.com' tech support, but with fraudulent tech support companies abusing their site to mislead victims into calling and/or going to the fraudsters sites.

Never the less, the block is being temporarily removed in order to find a better method of dealing with this specific case.

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