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Control User Access

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I created an access policy to limit user access in a guest account.  However, I noticed with a password-protected access policy in effect, the license details (i.e. Identifier and Key info) is still accessible from the Main Control panel while logged into the guest account.  

My question:  Is there a way to hide license details from users that are logged into the guest account as to protect such sensitive information from being compromised?


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Hi, @Allsop:

In addition to @Porthos's excellent advice about the one-household licensing policy....

18 minutes ago, Allsop said:

Anyway, it's on a laptop that I let others (i.e. students) use via a guest account.

From your post, it sounds as if this might be a work or school computer?

If so, per the EULA, use of MBAM in that environment requires business licensing, as explained HERE.:)
Also, the current MBAM-Business version is 1.80.

So you might want to contact the Business Help Desk -- they can assist you with getting the correct licensing and with installing/configuring the correct version of the program.


Edited by daledoc1
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