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Unable to access update server

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Good night everyone,

I've been a user of malwarebytes anti-malware for quite some years without any issues. Only within the last two weeks, I keep getting the message "Unable to access the update server", when I attempt to update. There's also a red triangle on the malwarebytes icon in the system tray.

I reviewed some of the threads to find a solution but didn't.

I've attached the analysis files that I saw other users uploaded.

Thanks for your assistance.







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Thanks for that log.

It shows that MBAM was recently upgraded back in March, but that it was not a "clean" upgrade (your protection logs date back at least until November 2015).

Also, you have some PUPs in quarantine.

Either of these could be contributing to the updating issue.

So, the first suggestion would be to CLEANLY reinstall the current build, by carefully following all of the steps here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x.

  1. Please be sure to have your license info handy and to go into the dashboard > "my account" > "deactivate" before starting the process.
  2. Please be sure to reboot when prompted by the removal tool; it's not a bad idea to reboot again after the reinstall.
  3. (Once you have done that, we can assist you with setting mutual exclusions between Avast and MBAM, although it ought not to be strictly necessary.)

Please let us know if that resolves your issue.


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Until @daledoc1 has a chance to return....

We are happy to hear your issue is resolved.  Yes the MBAM-Clean tool would have deleted any PUP's you had in the quarantine previously.

Should you have any further issues or questions don't hesitate to ask.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've done the clean uninstall - however i'm still unable to access the update server - I ran a capture using Wireshark and it looks like I'm getting a fatal error (Level: Fatal, Description: Unknown CA) 

Is there a cert I need to import to get to connect to the update server (IP looks to be 

I've check with the network team and they say traffic is being allowed.

Thanks for your help!




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