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I tried to switch my telephone and internet to "Primus Canada" yesterday


On their home page you see a telephone number at the bottom left of the screen that says.

Order by phone 1-866-704-4269

Well when I call that number I do not know if it is even "Primus" I am connected to because I get a message that requires me to enter a password before proceeding any further.

What sort of Telephone Company would put a Telephone Number on their home page for the order desk that does not connect to the order desk????

Yes there is an option to order online but I don't think I want to deal with a telephone company that doesn't know there own telephone number.


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@ grainger

By Phone:

Residential Sales: 1-800-806-3273

Business Sales: 1-888-502-8380

Send mail to:

Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.

5343 Dundas St.W., Suite 400

Etobicoke, Ontario

M9B 6K5

I spoke to them at the above residential number, tech support said to have you call the number I posted

Let us know if we can be of another further help.. regards yardbird

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Thank You :D

Now that I have an actual address and telephone number for them I have signed up online.

I will be saving about $50 per month on my basic telephone and internet as well as between $150 and $200 per month in long distance charges.

I was just dubious of signing up with a company that would have an incorrect telephone number on their home page.

I have to wonder how many potential customers they have lost because of this.

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Thank You :D

Now that I have an actual address and telephone number for them I have signed up online.

I will be saving about $50 per month on my basic telephone and internet as well as between $150 and $200 per month in long distance charges.

I was just dubious of signing up with a company that would have an incorrect telephone number on their home page.

I have to wonder how many potential customers they have lost because of this.

Your Welcome!

Good luck with the company! Please let us know If theres anything else we can do?

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