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Ransomware Detected - nothing in Quarantine


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Just after running Ccleaner Free v.5.08.5308 (64bit) I received a "Ransomware Detected" notification. I have also added Norton Security Suite to my MBARW exclusions but continue to notice Norton Blocks or MBARW. A Norton block occurred as the ransomeware detected notification appeared.

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip          MBAMService.zip

mbarw detection.png


mbarw exclusions 2.png

mbarw exclusions 1.png

Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip

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I forgot to post that no browsers were open when "Ransomware Detected" occurred because they need to be closed to run Ccleaner.

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Hello davidmg:

Yes.  If you wish to achieve the most thorough cleaning.

BTW - The Norton exclusion entry may need to have its pathname updated if a Norton Security Suite update/upgrade is installed.  Also, if you notice when the next MBARW Beta update is made, please consider removing the exclusion altogether.  You may also wish to consider updating Piriform's CCleaner Free to v5.16.5551.

Thank you for the update and participating.


Edited by 1PW
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I think I can go ahead and remove the exclusion. I only added it thinking that would stop Norton from blocking MBARW.

Because the blocks are continuing the exclusion is not working. The exclusion was only an experiment.

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4 minutes ago, keepinitsafe said:

I also had a ransomware detected notice but nothing was appearing in quarantine.  I didn't have any other programs open or running and no browser was opened.  not sure what to make of it

Hi keepinitsafe,

Even though our problems may look identical, on this forum the moderators ask each of us to "START A NEW TOPIC". This is so our support can be for each individual. Read the TOPIC "Reporting a False Positive" then post your problem separately. HAVE A NICE DAY.

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2 minutes ago, Decrypterfixer said:


To clarify, You are running CCleaner, and everytime a block occurs with nothing in the Quar. window? Even with an exclusion to CC?

Sorry if my post was confusing. I only had one "Ransomware Blocked Notification". I run Ccleaner regularly because I have several browsers (I collect browsers).

It occurred while running Ccleaner Free 5.08.5308 and I am not sure if stuff was in my Recycle Bin (Ccleaner will empty it - if something is there).


I did add a Norton Exclusion (in MBARW) because Norton was showing a block of MBARW in the Norton Security History - the Norton Exclusion in MBARW did not change anything and has been removed.

I have run Ccleaner SEVERAL times before and after receiving the Ransomware Block WITHOUT ANY SIMILAR NOTIFICATIONS.

I am prepared to call it a one time strange occurrence - and not worry about it any more. I will post any changes or future notifications.

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