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Thanks for taking the time to look into it. I appreciate it.

--Pharmacy Checker validation will be reinstated in 24hrs 

--The VIPPS program doesn't make sense monetarily as Pharmacy Checker is more widely known and appears highly in customers' search results

--The mywot scorecard is from 2012

I'll update when the pharmacy checker validation is back up.

Thanks again


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Earlier today I tried to go to Planetdrugsdirect.com, the website of a Canadian pharmacy with which I've done business. My attempts to connect with other reputable Canadian pharmacies were also blocked. Then I found this thread, the thrust of which is that Malwarebytes isn't merely protecting me from malware but also from sites that aren't "approved" by some agency. I want to be protected from malware, but I don't need to be protected from "unapproved" sites. When it comes to scams, I'll can care of myself, thank you. What's next for Malwarebytes, blocking access to political sites that aren't "approved" for one reason or another?

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