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IP blocking specific to one user account

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I am running MBAM Premium on Windows 10 Home.

On  March 29, MBAM logged the following:

   <record severity="debug" vendor="Trojan.Injector" LoggingEventType="0" datetime="2016-03-29T09:04:34.272474-04:00" source="Protection" type="Detection" username="Jen" systemname="HP-2009" last_modified_tag="17a213e7-39c6-4a9d-aeab-87d650095260" subtype="Malware Protection" action="Quarantine" filename="C:\ProgramData\querc-1\querc-6.exe" hash="8cfb098494056dc91bba73a6d1318b75" malwaretype="File" message=""></record>

Shortly thereafter, this user account became unable to access the Bank of America website.  Each attempt to reach the site via Chrome results in:

   <record severity="debug" LoggingEventType="0" direction="Outbound" datetime="2016-03-29T09:25:42.797213-04:00" domain="" source="Protection" ip="" type="Detection" port="52485" username="SYSTEM" process="C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" systemname="HP-2009" last_modified_tag="96796cca-7147-4edd-a2d3-bf99c72d6d00" subtype="Malicious Website Protection" malwaretype="IP"></record>

Curiously, all of the other three user accounts on this machine have no problem accessing the BoA website.

Also curiously, I installed MBAE free trial just this weekend (April 9), and the user account with the issue was subsequently unable to open Chrome at all.  The other user accounts - no problem.  Upon browsing the MBAE forums regarding the inability to open Chrome, I can state that we are not using Trusteer Rapport.  Following some recommendations provided in the MBAE forum, I disabled OS bypass ROP protection for Chrome, and Advanced Memory / Malicious Return Address for Chrome.  This enabled the user to open Chrome.  However, still getting the MBAM outbound block on when trying to access the Bank of America website.


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