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Newware for oldware!

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I have Malwarebytes Premium. 

The question: Why do I need a anti-exploit program when I have an anti-virus and anti-malware and anti-stalker? Why is it that something that is started, like an exploit is suddenly not malware, not virus, or any of the other kliddie-kewl' names for a virus? Not greed of course!

Malware is by definition any malicious software;  malicious ware = malware! OK? Exploits, and even rootkits are, ''malicious software'. Why is another malicious bit of software being separated from malicious software in to it's own "exploit" ? Not greed of course. But if not greed, then why separate them?


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It would be good for you to read through the posts and blogs relating to Anti-Exploit to understand the differences between the products.  Give me a while, I'm running out hte door, but I'll link you to them here in later on, if you would like.

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I don't worry so much about what I call it.  Its out to get me and I need to defend myself against it.  As I tell people on the forums, Anti-Malware goes after the "What" while Anti-Exploit goes after the "how".  A bad guy may be able to be extremely crafty, and a layered defense protects better against that than trusting any single type of protection.

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