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So as many users know, today for a few hours Malwarebytes was throwing up several pop-ups about 'gstatic.com'. They say it has been fixed as in no pop-ups anymore. But what was it blocking? Some people have said it is a Google domain for serving static content like images etc. Yet some pages state it is a piece of malware that can redirect browser entries and create malicious pop-up ads. So I just wanted to know were the pop-ups about blocking the Google domain or blocking a legitimate piece of malware? Thanks

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That is correct.  In fact, the pop-ups were warning you that the site mentioned was blocked from being accessed, preventing infection in the case that it had been a truly malicious site.  The pop-ups were not informing you of infection, but rather,, prevention of possible infection.

Short story - you're good.

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You're very welcome :)

Actually, to add to that, here is an example of what you should have been seeing, and what it means:  https://www.malwarebytes.org/support/guides/mbam/notifications.html#web_block

That is taken from the the MBAM Windows Users Guide (in HTML format for online viewing), which can be fully viewed from here:  https://www.malwarebytes.org/support/guides/mbam/

Finally, here is the page with all guides listed, including those in PDF format for offline viewing:  https://www.malwarebytes.org/support/guides/

Have a great day :)

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