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Hi, I successfully downloaded Malwarebytes via Chameleon because I had the 4dsply virus. Plus, before shutting down my laptop would display a webpage to something called sportolife and other pages.  I ran Malwarebytes several times, and it found multiple threats.  When I downloaded MB there were two files on my desktop, the MB zip and a file called desktop.ini.  My question is:  Now that MB is installed and ran can I delete the desktop.ini file from the desktop?  When I right click it says (paraphrased)  "if deleted associated program may not run".

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If desktop.ini is less than 1KB then it was nothing to begin with and can always be deleted.


To my knowledge there is no such thing as a "4dsply virus".  There may be malicious activity associated with 4dsply.com but a web site name or files associated with it does not necessarily make it a "virus".


I suggest you take advantage of the assistance provided by trained Forum Helpers in Malware Removal Help.

There you can receive personal assistance make makes sure any malware is found and properly removed.

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