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JAVA 8 Unlimited strength policy updater is a small custom utility for users of Niagara AX bulding management system


It is necessary to copy 2 specific files into the Java lib/security to enable the Unlimited strength policy ( as instructed by JAVA)

End user are usually not able to do this easily, so we build an automated install to do this for them


We have documentation about the issue and how to do this manually, but we also provide the installer



Oracle recommendations



Tridium Niagara




all of our files are built with install creator, and are now included into Unwanted applications


  • We install in the program file folder under JAVA
  • We copy 2 files
  • We clear browser area of the Niagara AX
  • we don't install any shortcut
  • we have an uninstaller
  • no other extra


I was not permitted to upload any exe files, but they are publicly available in our support page





Thank you











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