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EOL for IE 8,9,10 from 12th Jan


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Windows Vista can still use Internet Explorer 9, even though it isn't recommended. The only users that are truly affected by this, is Windows 8 users, since they are stuck with Internet Explorer 10 and need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 in order to get Internet Explorer 11. Windows 7 users should already be on Internet Explorer 11 (and that since a while).

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Just curious, @sman...


You wrote:


Microsoft readies Kill Switch for IE 8, 9, 10 with last EOL update coming Tuesday 12th Jan.. Is IE 11 then mandatory for support?


But since you posted here in the MBAE support forum, is your question about MS support for those older IE versions, or about MBAE support for those older IE versionss?


(Because it seems that perhaps you and @Aura are talking about 2 different things?)


<just asking>



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