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Yes I also have to help most of my neighbors with their problems. :D I have a computer business that I run from my house. So far my record of detections just with Malwarebytes is 873! That was quite a situation to deal with. Most of the time, people would have just thrown in the towel as soon as they saw that number and reformatted, but no I stuck through it and got it 100% clean. It was quite the job to tackle. Personally, I wish I would have kept a log of the scan just to actually show people, lol.

Yes, i would definately recommend that you change to Kaspersky. It's wonderful.

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@ Alex_computer

Oh wow, that's quite a large detection, heh. How many computers is that from?

I'd like to switch! Not sure if its worth it at this point since I think we're going to replace the computer within a year (since XP will no longer be supported with updates and what not after a year or so). :/

But I will buy it for the new computer, no doubt!

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I detected all 873 on just one computer. That was just with Malwarebytes too.

As for the Kaspersky, if you purchase the Internet Security then you will get one license that covers 3 computers so you could install it on the current one, then type it in on another one. That would just mean that you would get 1 more computer to install it on. But, its all up to you.

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Just read the article about the ftp password stealer, it sounds bad. I'm shocked to see it's got passwords for Symantec and Mcafee.

Anyhow, I'm glad I shop with Play.com now after seeing that article. :D Free delivery (although takes a while) and cheap prices. Downside by experience is though, that DVD's from Play are often locked to certain regions. =/

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Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.


That's an impressive quotation.

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@ Alex_computer

Oh wow. That's a lot for one computer :/ did you have to use other clean up tools too?

Oh sweet, that's awesome about the three licenses :D or rather, license for three computers.

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Yes, I know that it was a lot. Yes, i did have to use a a lot of other cleaners, but that is just what Malwarebytes found. It was a big job.

yes, it is also pretty cool that you get one license for three computers at the same cost. Kaspersky is an excellent product as well as an excellent company.

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@ Belahzur

It does sound bad :/ I don't know exactly what it means, but, its not good. I think basically that by visiting one of the compromised sites, a user could get an infection on their computer because the websites are being infected, if I am understanding that correctly. Which is really bad. I use Amazon myself, so, all the more lovely (or not so much) for me... I just ordered some stuff off there like two days ago, and I think I am clean... don't think I got an infection, at least I hope not. I want to go on there and delete my cr card info and stuff off there too... but I am kind of afraid to go on the site, but, hopefully it would be fine... I always delete it after my order ships anyway, no need to leave it on there.

I've never used Play.com or have heard of it. Amazon is free shipping on some items, on orders $25 or more. That stinks about the region.

I really hope that this gets sorted out soon & fixed so the pages aren't infected.... 68,000 websites were hit... :/

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@ Raid

That's very true :D

Yes, I find that quote to be quite impressive too. Thank you :)

I love reading Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and Sophocles :) I have some of their books, and have read others in college too. Brilliant men I would say!

No... It would be too hard to pick one. His sarcastic wit is just amazing.
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@ Alex_computer

Wow. sounds like it was a big job.

:D I think when I get my new computer, whenever that is, I shall be getting Kaspersky for it, but I'm not sure yet. Still a few others that I am going to keep researching and looking into.

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No idea on the brand yet, maybe Dell? Windows 7, I suppose :D since that'll be the newest OS.

What Kind of computer are you thinking of, brand and model?
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You should :)

I was just going to go to Amazon and give you some links to show you some books, but, then I remember that that probably isn't a good idea :D

Next time I have a chance at home, I'll grab the books that I currently have off the shelf and I'll send you a PM with the titles and everything, if you're interested :) Just let me know.

No I havent. I might need to look into that
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K, I will when I have a chance :D Probably in a couple days.

I did answer your computer question here :): http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...ost&p=93767

Yes i would be. Please PM me. Also like i had said in an earlier post, what brand and model of computer were you thinking of?
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Probably a desktop, but a laptop would take up less space :D

What to do with the other two old ones... :/ ::sigh::

Dell does seem to be pretty good. Looking for a laptop or desktop?
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@ Alex_computer

Uh, I don't really know the difference lol. Economical meaning the bare basics, and hi-tech meaning having lots of bells and whistles?

Probably a basic one, unless we start playing games. I'd like to try and get into the SIMs again, hehe.

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