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Premium v2.1.8.1057 cannot update

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Hi,  just upgraded to Premium latest version I have a message on dashboard that says: "Your databases are out of date". Click the "Fix Now" button but it keeps "Checking for updates" for a very long time and I still get stuck with database version v2015.06.03.03 saying that there is no update available.


What could be the problem?


Many thanks in advance for the help.






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Hello @ibraab and :welcome:

We are disappointed to read your system is having issues. Each computer is unique. Problems that seem "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions. They most often need to be individualized to your unique system.

It is less confusing for everyone if we adhere to this subforum's "one user per topic" policy.
Please start a NEW, and SEPARATE topic by left-clicking this >>cjfj.png<< button now.
Staffers, experts, and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP/Topic Starter, with individualized assistance to get you both up and running.

Thank you always for your patience and understanding. :)

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I did 2 restarts when updating to v2.1.8.1057 and still had the "databases are out of date". I finally shut down my computer for the night.

This morning, when I opened my computer, again I had a notification in system tray saying my "databases are out of date" for MBAM. But when I opened the program itself, to my biggest surprise, I was "fully protected" and the database version was v2015.06.26.03. Did another restart and didn't have the "databases are out of date" in system tray no more.


Cannot figure this one yet but sure am glad it's back to normal :)


Many thanks!


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New problem as of today. Checking updates is taking at least 5 min to check in time and I always end up having "no updates available" and stuck with database v2015.06.26.08.


Is it normal or is it just me?


Many thanks



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Hello Acrobaze:


A now resolved stale database issue had existed with the contracted CDN server for France.


Since the issue was quickly identified and resolved, database updates are normal.


Thank you.

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Hello @Leweez:


Your system's current MBAM database update details are atypical.


While the MBAM database update process is evolving, an older test procedure still may retain some diagnostic value for Malwarebytes staffers:
Using your system's Administrator account only, and the Windows' Notepad.exe editor only, please Copy & Paste into a Notepad window the program lines in the Code box below and save as PingTraceCDN.bat (using Notepad's default settings) only to your system's Administrator desktop. 

@echo offecho Ping and Trace the route to the current download/CDN server. echo Please be patient - this information gathering batch job should finish in less than two minutes, and with no system changes or restarts.cd %userprofile%\Desktopif exist PingTraceCDN.txt (del PingTraceCDN.txt)date /t>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"2>>&1time /t>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"2>>&1ping -n 10 -l 69 data-cdn.mbamupdates.com>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"2>>&1ping -n 10 -l 69>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"2>>&1tracert data-cdn.mbamupdates.com>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"2>>&1echo+>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"echo From your system's Administrator desktop, please attach the PingTraceCDN.txt file in a reply to the appropriate subforum topic's thread.>>"%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"start "log" "%userprofile%\Desktop\PingTraceCDN.txt"del /f /q %0exit 

Then, still as the system's Administrator, left double-click the PingTraceCDN.bat icon. A command window should open and the batch job should proceed.


When the PingTraceCDN.bat job completes (in probably less than two minutes), a PingTraceCDN.txt icon should have appeared on the system's Administrator desktop and the PingTraceCDN.bat icon should have self-deleted.
Please attach the PingTraceCDN.txt file in a reply to this topic thread and upon a successful post, you may delete PingTraceCDN.txt at your discretion.
Thank you.

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Hello Acrobaze:


A now resolved stale database issue had existed with the contracted CDN server for France.


Since the issue was quickly identified and resolved, database updates are normal.


Thank you.




Thank you for the reply.


But it's not normal. that in the morning, updates are still from the day before, and suddenly, the .2 came. As a miracle.


Something is wrong.


And many apologize to Leweez to stand in his topic.

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Hello Leweez:


At the time that batch job was run, the entire connection between the computer and the beginnings of the database update process was as average & stable as can be.


The next time continuing and considerable delay in the MBAM database update process is experienced, please consider running the batch job again and post the results for evaluation by Malwarebytes staffers. For now, this topic can be left open for your updates.


Thank you.

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Hello Acrobaze:
MBAM database updates are released at different times of the day and with varying frequency.
It is less confusing for everyone if we adhere to this subforum's "one user per topic" policy and your most polite apology to @Leweez was not unnoticed.
If you wish to continue updating your issue's status, please start a NEW, and SEPARATE topic by left-clicking this >>cjfj.png<< button now.

Staffers, experts, and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP/Topic Starter, with individualized assistance to get you both up and running.
Thank you always for your patience and understanding. :)

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Hello Leweez:


Let's have you continue here then:

  • Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.

Please let us know the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.
Thank You. :)

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This is not looking good.

Cannot download "mbam-clean.exe" from "MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x".  Tried in Firefox, Chrome and IE.

It just keep searching and searching for ever...


Everything was working perfectly until I upgraded to version

What's happening?


What can I do now?



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Just saw other post with the same exact problems I'm having;


1) unable to update databases

2) links to MBAM files not working


I'm in Canada and the other post with same issues is from Canada also.


Problems in Canada only?


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There are now at least 4 Canadian users in 2 threads with "similar" issues.

It may or may not be a coincidence.


They have been reported to forum staff for further investigation.


I expect someone will be here as soon as possible.




Please make that 5 Canadian users.  I have spent a good portion of this afternoon going over my Malwarebytes install because of this database update problem.  Uninstalling, attempting to reinstall, running the cleaning tool after uninstalling - nothing would work.


Please also note.  I got Malwarebytes on a CD from a local office supply store.  It came bundled with Anti-Exploit.   When I would attempt to reinstall, I entered in both the ID/Key for both applications only for the installer to hang on "downloading."

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Please make that 5 Canadian users.  I have spent a good portion of this afternoon going over my Malwarebytes install because of this database update problem.  Uninstalling, attempting to reinstall, running the cleaning tool after uninstalling - nothing would work.


Please also note.  I got Malwarebytes on a CD from a local office supply store.  It came bundled with Anti-Exploit.   When I would attempt to reinstall, I entered in both the ID/Key for both applications only for the installer to hang on "downloading."


I'm another Canadian user with the same problem. This is definitely a regional issue. Coincidences don't form such predictable patterns.

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