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Protection Log

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I'm not familiar with that particular error and have not seen it reported here in the forum.

I assume this is the same computer about which you made a similar report here?


A scan log is just that -- it shows the results of a scan, either "automatic"/"scheduled" or manual.


A protection log shows the activity of the MBAM real-time protection & other "live" activity, such as IP blocks, database updates, when scans are run etc.


Until a staff member arrives, we would be able to better assist you with the error that you report if you could please do the following: :)

  • First, please read the following pinned topic and attach to your next reply here in this thread the 3 requested logs >>> Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt), AND, if possible
  • Please follow the instructions below to attach a PROTECTION LOG to your next reply here, as well.

Thank you,

How to get protection logs:
(Export log to save as a txt file for posting in the forum when requested)

  • Open MBAM.
  • Click on the HISTORY tab > APPLICATION LOGS.
  • Double-click on the PROTECTION LOG which shows the date you are asked to post.
  • Click EXPORT.
  • Click TEXT FILE (*.txt)
  • In the "Save File" dialog box which appears, click on DESKTOP.
  • In the FILE NAME box, type a name for your protection log.
  • A message box named "File Saved" should appear, stating that "Your file has been successfully exported".
  • Click OK.
  • Please attach the saved log to your next reply.
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I've been getting the same errors and log reports since I did an over the top installation of the newest Anti-Malware version 2.1.6.  Never saw it before then.  Since I'm running the free version, here's my take ....


Real-time protection is checked and 'greyed out' in the settings of my free version, and can only be changed on paid premium license.  Everytime I start my computer it looks like:


1) Malwarebytes checks to see if I have a license, since it's the free version it reports a 'NO' ie ... IsLicensed,13 error


2) Since I don't have a licensed premium copy, MalwareBytes calls to stop the realtime protection that is auto-checked on my free version ... Malware Protection, Stopping


3) The realtime protection is then stopped ... Malware Protection, Stopped


If you're running the free version and see these entries everytime you start up your computer, it sort of makes sense.  I'm not too concered about it as it's causing me no issues.  I'm just wondering why the real-time protection is auto-selected and tries running on my free version at start-up, and was it supposed to be designed that way?


I'm surprised more free version users haven't reported this yet ...

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This is really getting too complicated for me. I don't know that much about computers or these programs. I can only understand how to attach the protection log, but the other "requests" are just too complicated for me as I have already explained.


Maybe someone else who sees the same results in their Protection logs can post the other reports you required.


It is all just so confusing.

mb protection.txt

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Hi, bobz:
I have asked the forum staff to review this thread, as I and the other volunteer forum helpers are not familiar with the error message you report.
Running the two tools to produce basic logs looks harder than it really is.


>>>It would really help us if you could at least follow the instructions below to get the "CheckResults.txt" log.
>>>If not, then can you at least tell us if you have the Free version of MBAM, or the Paid, Premium version????
 If you open the dashboard, what does it say in the Title Bar at the very top: "Free", or "Trial" or "Premium"???
Thanks very much for your patience,
Please create a "CheckResults.txt" log by running mbam-check:

  • Download mbam-check.exe from THIS LINK HERE and save it to your desktop
  • Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it, it should then open a log file
  • Please do not copy and paste the entire contents of the log into your next post, instead please attach the log CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop to your next post.
  • Click on the More Reply Options button, then click on the Browse button to locate your log then click the Attach button to attach the log to your post


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Hi, bobz:


I have asked the forum staff to review this thread, as I and the other volunteer forum helpers are not familiar with the error message you report.


Running the two tools to produce basic logs looks harder than it really is.


>>>It would really help us if you could at least follow the instructions below to get the "CheckResults.txt" log.


>>>If not, then can you at least tell us if you have the Free version of MBAM, or the Paid, Premium version????

 If you open the dashboard, what does it say in the Title Bar at the very top: "Free", or "Trial" or "Premium"???


Thanks very much for your patience,



Please create a "CheckResults.txt" log by running mbam-check:

  • Download mbam-check.exe from THIS LINK HERE and save it to your desktop
  • Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it, it should then open a log file
  • Please do not copy and paste the entire contents of the log into your next post, instead please attach the log CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop to your next post.
  • Click on the More Reply Options button, then click on the Browse button to locate your log then click the Attach button to attach the log to your post




Hi, bobz:


I have asked the forum staff to review this thread, as I and the other volunteer forum helpers are not familiar with the error message you report.


Running the two tools to produce basic logs looks harder than it really is.


>>>It would really help us if you could at least follow the instructions below to get the "CheckResults.txt" log.


>>>If not, then can you at least tell us if you have the Free version of MBAM, or the Paid, Premium version????

 If you open the dashboard, what does it say in the Title Bar at the very top: "Free", or "Trial" or "Premium"???


Thanks very much for your patience,



Please create a "CheckResults.txt" log by running mbam-check:

  • Download mbam-check.exe from THIS LINK HERE and save it to your desktop
  • Double-click on mbam-check.exe to run it, it should then open a log file
  • Please do not copy and paste the entire contents of the log into your next post, instead please attach the log CheckResults.txt file which should now be located on your desktop to your next post.
  • Click on the More Reply Options button, then click on the Browse button to locate your log then click the Attach button to attach the log to your post


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Home (Free)

(I never had these/this problem before. )


I had to save the CheckResutls.txt  and then attach that. I am really spending too much time on this and I don't like downloading programs to my computer. I am octogenarian


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I won't have access to my home computer ( which has Malwarebytes installed) for a couple weeks, so I can't run a scan.  But from what I can remember I've been running Malwarebytes for a few years without ever seeing these log entries.  I have a Windows 7 x64 system.  I was previously running the Free version 2.0.4.  I was never prompted to update to 2.1.4, so when 2.1.6 was released on the website, I manually overinstalled the free version of 2.1.6 ... ie I didn't uninstall 2.0.4, and I also didn't wait for the auto-update notice for 2.1.6.


Installation of the free 2.1.6 went fine, and the program is working without issue ... updates and scan are having no issues.  But I am seeing the same log entries as bobz whenever I boot up my computer, and only when I boot my computer.  If I boot my computer 4 times in one day, there will be four sets of entires in the logs.  Also running Norton Internet Security 2014 if that helps.


Again, not too concerned as everything seems to be running fine, but maybe the above info will help.  My guess is that it has something to do with trying to run the real-time protection at boot-up when the Free version isn't licensed to do so.

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Hi, Brocktoon:


Thanks for the update.


It's not yet clear if the problem you describe is the same as that reported by the OP.


We will need to wait for one of the Malwarebytes staff to clarify this for us. ;)


Until then, please try to be patient -- it can be confusing for everyone (especially the OP), if we try to assist 2 users with what seems like "the same" problem, especially if it turns out to be something different or unrelated.


Thanks again,


P.S. The forum moderator team *might* split off your posts to a new, separate thread.  That way, both you and bobz can receive individualized assistance. No worries, though. ;)

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Hi, Brocktoon:


Thanks for the update.


It's not yet clear if the problem you describe is the same as that reported by the OP.


We will need to wait for one of the Malwarebytes staff to clarify this for us. ;)


Until then, please try to be patient -- it can be confusing for everyone (especially the OP), if we try to assist 2 users with what seems like "the same" problem, especially if it turns out to be something different or unrelated.


Thanks again,


P.S. The forum moderator team *might* split off your posts to a new, separate thread.  That way, both you and bobz can receive individualized assistance. No worries, though. ;)


No problem ... I'm actually not having any issues, so I'd request not to have a separate thread as I don't think I need any assistance at this point.  I'm not seeing any side-effects of my log entries so I'm happy to ingore them for now.  Just trying to give bobz' thread some info just in case.


If I do start seeing any problems down the line, I'll be sure to start up another thread.  Sorry if I caused any confusion.  I'll be keeping an eye on this thread though to see what may be discovered.


Thanks again

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  • Root Admin

It appears to be a timing issue. Basically it's logging because the installer at the time was not aware of licensing and attempted to start protection. The service identifies that the system isn't licensed, logs that, and then shuts down.


So there is no real issue going on here that needs addressing.


Restart your computer. Run MBAM and check for updates and do a Threat Scan and it should work just fine.


Thank you

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So when I see the following in the "Application Logs / Protection" there is nothing to worry about?


Type = Error
Time = 5/3/2015
Details = LsLicensed, 13
Source = Protection

AND THE = Malware Protection, Stopping
Malware Protection = Stopped


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  • Root Admin

You can try doing a clean removal and reinstall but it may not make any difference but would ensure that all files and settings are installed correctly.


Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the directions here. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

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Uninstalling, reinstalling is really so complicated to this "old" mind of mine.


Can I leave everything "as is" (and not uninstall/reinstall) and continue to run/use the MB Free I currently have installed, without surrendering any safety controls?


(I am  octogenarian old and this is really confusing and complicated for me.)

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