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Network Deploy Through Lansweeper (MSI)

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We are trying to do a network deploy of the .MSI Installation Package that I created within the Policy section of the Management Console and we are running into some problems.


We are able to successfully deploy through the actual management console, which is fine. But we'd like to be able to use the generated .msi files and deploy them with Lansweeper.  All of our other applications/software are done this way and it makes a nice one step process for new workstations.  


I don't know if it's having a problem with the .msi not installing as admin, or what is happening.  All of the other .msi's we use simply get pushed and install silently, except for this one.


Has anyone else had this problem with Lansweeper or other deployment suites?





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Hello Littleadam!


We have not heard of any issues with pushing out the package with other deployment programs such as SCCM. I am not as familiar with Lansweeper, but is there any log that is made in it to show if there was any issues during installation. If not, is there a .msi log that is created in temp folder on those computers? That should usually give you a better idea of the point of failure. Also, if you haven't already, make sure /qn is used for the silent switch. If you have any more information from any of the items I just mentioned, I can create a ticket on our side and we can see where the issue may be. Just shoot me your e-mail.


Thank you,


Ron S

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