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Windows 8.1 Compatiblility

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So I encountered a NSA scam pop up and I did the whole shut down and restart of my computer. I did get a little paranoid and downloaded malwarebytes free and later upgraded to premium. My question is, why is there the windows blue and yellow shield on my malwarebytes icon, and also why does it always open up the prompt that syas, "Do you want this program to make changes to your computer?" I know it is connect to the User Account Controls and all of that jazz, but i'm worried that it might be restricting my malwarebytes. For example, when ever I open up my computer and open malwarebytes only then does the scheduled scan start. I'm also worried that this could be restricting the malicious website protection. Any help would be very appreciated.



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Thanks for the response! I'm also sorry for any missed protocol, I'm still pretty new.


Attached are the logs and a picture of the icon and the UAC prompt that shows up. Really I'm not that bothered by the slight inconvenience, I just want to make sure that malwarebytes isn't being restricted to run normally like the aforementioned scheduled scans that only activated once I opened up malwarebytes.  Thanks again for any help!



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Hello Jin,

The User Account Control is a normal and expected feature of your Windows operating system.  Yes, it is normal for the prompt to come up each time you start the program off of the link on your Desktop.

The same behavior is also normal for any other program / or link that also shows the gold & blue shield  ( just so you know).


If you were to start MBAM off of the blue-icon on the Taskbar  ( right-click on the blue MBAM icon) ( by the system clock) and select Open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware then in that case one does not encounter the UAC prompt.


In any event, irregardless, the UAC prompt showing up does not in any way lessen or take away from real-time protections.

By the way, the Checkresults report shows the program to be in good condition.




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Thank you so much!


I was really rattled when that NSA scam pop-up appeared and I just wanted to make sure that my computer was good to go. Just for some affirmation, when got the pop up, I tried to close the window and also the little google chrome window that pops up. When the message on the goolge chrome window kept on cycling, I pressed the power button to restart my computer and turned it back on. I think on that same day i downloaded malwarebytes free to run a scan, and then the day later I upgraded to premium. Other than some non-malicious programs all the scans showed up with no malicious software. i should be good and in the clear of any personal info like credit cards from being stole right? Again this is just personal affirmation and I might be sounding very redundant but any professional advice would be much appreciated. Sorry is this is in anyway irritating. 

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I was focusing in on the UAC prompt.   But do tell us, when was the last time you had or saw any ""NSA scam pop-up"" ?


You indicate that all the scans by the Anti-Malware show no malware detected.   right ?


Over and beyond all that, did you do a scan with the antivirus program, Windows Defender ?

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It popped up when I was on a music download site I think on the 7th, it probably wasn't the most safe website but I can't remember the name and I also re installed chrome. It was one of the fake nsa pop-ups that freeze the browser and demand a fine be payed. I knew it was fake so I tried to exit out, but that didn't work. I tried to close the chrome window that also popped up along with he nsa scam tab, but that just cycled onto the same message. I ended up turning off the computer and restarting it with the power button, and it was gone. Also yes I did do a scan with windows defender which pulled up nothing, but that was also after I scanned with malwarebytes. 

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If I may note, "lesson learned" the hard way - never ever download stuff ( free stuff especially) when you do not know the reputation of the website.

Did you uninstall and re-install the browser (Chrome) after the incident of the pop ups?

yes or no?


You have not had any more "weird" or fake or rogue pop ups today ? yesterday ?


Note also:  

Pay close attention when installing 3rd-party programs.

It is important that you pay attention to the license agreements and installation screens when installing anything off of the Internet. If an installation screen offers you Custom or Advanced installation options, it is a good idea to select these as they will typically disclose what other 3rd party software will also be installed. Furthermore, If the license agreement or installation screens state that they are going to install a toolbar or other unwanted adware, it is advised that you cancel the install and not use the free software.

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