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I currently have a problem with MBMC installed on a 2012 server (we are a new reseller and testing the MBMC before deploying MBES for our customers) :


- Server has following roles : IIS, secondary DC, secondary DNS, backup DHCP, WSUS (with SQL 2012 R2 Express not internal database)

- MBMC installed with SQL 2012 R2 Express, all went flawlessly, we can access the console, update policies, deploy clients, viewing reports, etc.


The problem is with Windows Backup, every backup failed ever since MBMC was installed on the server.


I tried different things, but it appears to be a bug with the VSS System Writer disappearing (addressed by MS, but the patch doesn't work on 2012) : VSS fails to create a snapshot for backup when there are more than 1000 folders/sub-folders in the .NET folder (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET, currently I have 1827 folders).


I managed to delete some folders (down to ~1500) and the backup was OK. But every time I view reports, folders are generated again and backups fail.


I know for sure that our customers will have the same problem with backups (they all use Windows Backup or third-party app that use VSS), does anybody have this problem? Is there a solution to this?





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While you may be able to get assistance for this problem via the forums, it seems rather specialized.  If you have not already done so, I would suggest opening a ticket with Malwarebytes Business Support.


Out of curiosity, have you installed a secondary console on another machine in your network, separate from the machine that runs the Malwarebytes Management Server?  If reports causes the problem, shifting part of the report functionality to a second machine could possibly help UNLESS its all related to IIS 7.5 generating the folders.  It wouldn't take long to try that.  The link to get the download for the secondary console is available on the Windows Start Menu.

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While you may be able to get assistance for this problem via the forums, it seems rather specialized.  If you have not already done so, I would suggest opening a ticket with Malwarebytes Business Support.


I will do that, thanks.



Out of curiosity, have you installed a secondary console on another machine in your network, separate from the machine that runs the Malwarebytes Management Server?  If reports causes the problem, shifting part of the report functionality to a second machine could possibly help UNLESS its all related to IIS 7.5 generating the folders.  It wouldn't take long to try that.  The link to get the download for the secondary console is available on the Windows Start Menu.


It's related to IIS generatingthe  folders. I have to recycle the applications in application pools in the IIS control panel and then delete the folders, so I don't think it will help moving the generation part on another server (but it doesn't hurt to try).

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  • 1 year later...

After being depressed about this for months, and getting awful support from Malwarebytes, I found a solution that worked for me.

I made the administrators group the owner of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\active

Now I can finally backup the server after so many months of no backup.



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8 hours ago, diddiminn said:

After being depressed about this for months, and getting awful support from Malwarebytes, I found a solution that worked for me.

I made the administrators group the owner of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\active

Now I can finally backup the server after so many months of no backup.



This is a flaw with Microsoft. They had fixed it with a hotfix patch for 2008/2008R2 but it's not yet done in 2012 R2, see this article with recommended workarounds - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc734021(v=ws.10).aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

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