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I was browsing the internet and found this site

Hexen wads - Doomworld Forumshexen-wads/


when I used my mouse wheel to scroll down the page I noticed the screen lagging before completely freezing. I hit restart only to be greeted by a blue screen. I have a dual boot system with windows 7 and ubuntu 14.04. I can get into grub but I cant boot windows or linux now. Just windows in safe mode which gives me hope. I also checked for restore points but there aren't any. I thought they were automatic. I just hope I dont have to move all my files in safemode to an external hdd and reinstall everything from scratch.


Apparently I have a trojan called vbcrypt. It just showed up in an avg scan.

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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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