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Traces Of Vosteran Keep Re-Appearing In Mozilla Firefox

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I have Firefox installed on my system, but it's not my primary browser. I mainly just use it once in a while for testing out web sites I am working on. At some point a while back I accidentally got the Vosteran adware on my system, which Malwarebytes removed. However, since then, almost every time I run a scan with Malwarebytes, it keeps finding traces of Vosteran in Firefox. Is anyone else having this problem?


I'm considering just uninstalling Firefox to see if that helps, and perhaps hunting down my profile folder for Firefox and removing that too. But I don't understand how these traces of it keep coming back and why they are only affecting Firefox and not Chrome, IE or Opera which I also have installed.
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Just a follow up on this. I uninstalled Firefox and removed any traces of it from my system, then reinstalled it, used it for a little while, then did two more scans with Malwarebytes, and no traces of Vosteran are being detected. So on one hand, the issue is solved, but I am still not clear why I had to manually delete it myself when Malwarebytes kept telling me it quarantined the files, only for them to re-appear in Malwarebytes on subsequent scans asking me what I want to do with them.

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Hello Atomic76, welcome to Malwarebytes' Malware Removal forum!
My username is LiquidTension, but you can call me Adam. I will be assisting you with your malware-related problems.
If you would allow me to call you by your first name I would prefer that. :)
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but I am still not clear why I had to manually delete it myself when Malwarebytes kept telling me it quarantined the files, only for them to re-appear in Malwarebytes on subsequent scans asking me what I want to do with them.

No programme can detect and remove 100% of all infections.
It's impossible to say for certain, but it's likely the flagged files were being respawned by registry items. 
Would you like your system checked over for remnants or other adware/malware?

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