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Out of the Mouths Of Babes

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It must be my turn to keep my end up; Just a couple of quick ones -



2 little boys are sitting on the beach examining each others navels..

"What are those things ??", Asks the first one.


The smart one replies, "Well, when you're born, there's a piece of hose hanging out there. They cut it off, twist the end around and tape it inside"


Still confused, the first one asks "What for ??"


The second one replied "So you won't go pssshhhh, and go down !!"



(Not For the Religious ones) -

A little girl was sitting at the table drawing. Her mother asked, "What are you drawing, darling ??"

The girl replied "I'm drawing a picture of God"


Mother said, "But how can you do that dear ? Nobody knows what God looks like !!"


The girl replied " They will when I've finished!!"




A small girl went out to the garden where here father was working, and asked "Daddy, what does sex mean??"


Dad scratched the side of his head, and wondered if he had heard correctly -

"What does what mean, he asked ??"


Plainly, "Sex  !!" She repeated.


"Why ... err ... , Why do you want to know what, sex means" asks the father.


"Because Mummy told me to tell you, lunch will be ready in a couple of them"




Mum was having a heck of a time getting her son ready for school this day ......


"I'm not going," he screamed.

"The teachers all make fun of me, and the kids all hate me, so I'm just not going any more."


Mum replied - "OK I'll give you 2 good reasons why you will go son !!



First : You are 49years old


and Second : You are the Headmaster"



Just found another few dozen, but time eludes me tonight ....

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Mum replied - "OK I'll give you 2 good reasons why you will go son !!



First : You are 49years old


and Second : You are the Headmaster"




Nice batch  !

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