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MBAM is Perfect


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I had a lot of trouble from March to about August during 2014 with MBAM, not responding, not stopping running, upsetting the helpers etc. and in the end I dumped it.


Well, i gave MBAM another try around October. It installed OK and to my surprise, it worked impeccably, picking up a long list of mainly PUP`s. I have used it several times each week since as a manual sweeper to keep my PC clean. And it does just that, today`s scan was clean as is usual, now the rubbish has gone.


I have no idea why the previous troubles happened. I have done nothing to improve matters, but for some reason MBAM now works like a dream. One of the mysteries of the PC world, which is not worth the time finding an answer to.


Thank you so much the MBAM team and I sincerely wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.    


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Greetings :)

Thank you for giving us another try and for the high praise, it's much appreciated.

As to why you are seeing no further issues where previously you had, I suspect you were experiencing one or more of the bugs in the software which we've fixed in one of our more recent releases. In fact, version 2.0.3 was purely a bugfix release which contained too many fixes to list in its changelog. We've been hard at work on improving the software in every aspect, not just to make it better at detecting and removing malware, but also the user experience and making it as stable as possible. Right now we're working on a new version with some improvements to the user interface that we hope will make the program even simpler to use as well as more attractive, but as always our top priority is making it the best at detecting, preventing and removing the newest, nastiest malware on the net :).

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