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To Whom It May Concern:

Please add this to your list of items to correct with the next version:

I have "Check for updates before scanning" checked yet when my scheduled scan runs, many times the database is flagged as out of date.  Typically it happens when the scan runs as soon as the computer is turned on because it missed a scheduled scan.  Apparently the scan starts running before the database can be updated.  This happens on multiple computers.

This never happened with v1.x.  It always updated the database before the scan ran.

edit: Just saw that at some point DURING the scan the database updated. I believe it was due to my having automated scheduling set to check for updates, and again because it was missed it updates the database soon after the computer is turned on.  But apparently the missed scheduled scan starts first.  I sure wish all these issues hadn't come up with the new version, but alas they have.  Old version worked perfect for years.

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