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SearchSnacks and Superfish reinstalling themselves

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hello forum. I paid for the premium hoping it would fix my problem. SearchSnacks and Superfish are my problems. MalwareBytes appears to delete them, but moments later they are back again. I've reset all my browsers several times. Ive deleted any references to the files on my PC. But somehow they keep reinstalling themselves. I need help!! They will not go away and they make using this computer very miserable! Log attached to post


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Hello and :welcome: :


We can't work on malware diagnostics and removal in this sub-section of the forum.

So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the preliminary steps to take to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will guide you through the cleanup process.


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  • Root Admin

You can try un syncing your Firefox from the Internet. Then rescan and clean with MBAM, then restart the computer. Then rescan again and see if it comes back clean.


Often what happens is Firefox and Chrome sync both good data and bad data to the Web and as soon as you clean it from the local computer and go back in it sees the change and copies down the bad data again to the local computer in a vicious cycle.


If that does not help then please follow daledoc1's advice and see further help.

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