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Constant Notifications

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I have it set to run once daily, notifications turned off /close after 3 seconds, and to automatically quarantine, but I still get a freakish number of notifications, particularly if I have PUPs set to be treated as malware.
It won't quarantine automatically, and the notifications don't go away until I deal with it, if I don't deal with it, they'll just come back after a few minutes.




So, assuming I need to do something in particular to get this working the way I feel like it should be, I'd like the program to do the following.


Treat PUPs as malware. (they're really the only problem I tend to encounter)

Quarantine (or better yet remove) them automatically.

No notifications, except for the once a day full scan if possible.


If I'm just messing on the computer, I don't encounter heavy notifications, but if I'm online, then I can get several notifications in an hour and it really frustrates me.


Help is sincerely appreciated!

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Hi, again:
It looks as if you have another topic here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/157559-how-to-exclude-all-dll-files/?

(The mod team may merge these topics, as it will be confusing and inefficient to reply to both of them simultaneously.) ;)

As far as notifications:

1. They are "on/off" (all or none, enabled or disabled) in the current build.  Disabling them is not recommended, as it will disable *all* notifications, including important one's about malware detections, outdated database updates.

2. More granular user control over notifications will be forthcoming with a future release later this year.

3. Having said that, if you are being bombarded by LOTS of notifications for PUPs, IP blocks, etc, then you may be infected, and/or MBAM is doing its job.

4. And/or your settings may not be properly configured.


As we are not in front of your computer, it would help us to know a bit more about your system.

Please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)



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I'm sorry.

We would like to assist you, but your logs posted in your other topic >>here<< show evidence of cracked or pirated software on this system.


The forum moderator team will lock this topic.

If you would like further assistance, you'll need to demonstrate that all cracked/illegal/pirated software has been removed.

Piracy Policy


Thank you.

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Apologies, I created them separately since they are very different questions, and would potentially be easier for others to find should they have similar issues. I know I couldn't find diddle by searching and couldn't tell what half the topics were about simply by the title.


Logs are on the other one, since you're helping me there too.


I went through MB to check what exactly I had selected, and mentioned what it's doing regardless.


I have PUPs as malware turned off because of the notifications.

I have notifications turned off, but I still get notification about my daily scan and updates.

^ wouldn't be a problem if it would deal with them automatically (as I have selected, but it doesn't) and if the notifications would go away (also selected, but doesn't)


Further, since I guess this does apply a bit to the other topic of disappearing .dll files, I've never had any .dll file show up in a scan, even though they're gone.

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I'm sorry.

We would like to assist you, but your logs posted in your other topic >>here<< show evidence of cracked or pirated software on this system.


The forum moderator team will lock this topic.

If you would like further assistance, you'll need to demonstrate that all cracked/illegal/pirated software has been removed.

Piracy Policy


Thank you.

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  • Root Admin


Your logs show that the computer is actively being used to steal and pirate software from Adobe. As such we cannot assist you unless you wish to either remove the software and/or hacks or provide proof of ownership.

This topic will now be closed due to evidence of cracked or pirated software on this system.

Piracy Policy

If you wish to clean up or provide proof of ownership please send me a private message.

Thank you

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