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Call Blockers


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Anyone have experience with call blockers such as the one listed here:

Sentry PlugNblock, Telemarketing Blocker, Block Robo Calls, Telemarketing Calls



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  • Root Admin

No experience but if it has a pre-loaded black list of phone numbers to drop the call so it doesn't go onto my voice messages that would be a huge help. My home phone has pretty much become useless due to the high volume of spam solicitors. My phone holds like 60 messages and is filled within 3 days typically. I've been home before during the day and it's is annoying the amount of calls I get and they're all spam. I have friends and family call the cell phone these days. For the price though I might seriously look at getting one to see if it does help as the phone company isn't helping.


Though I might look for it elsewhere - not a big fan of eBay myself unless I really have to use it.

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  • Root Admin

Same price on Amazon but with some reviews at least.  $39.00
SENTRY Call Blocker, Robocall Blocker, Block Telemarketer Calls, Solicitor Calls, Junk Faxes

We just received one of these call blockers and its screening process definitely has some problems. The phone system in our house is an ordinary AT&T land line connected to a cordless phone/answering machine combo. The call blocker is on its own extension meaning that the "line splitter" style of connection is being used. Two things bother me about the way the blocker behaves and these are behaviors I have personally observed from both sides of the call when using a cell phone to call the house.

First of all, I can call the house and hear the 'get-lost telemarketer' message start. I can press zero and the blocker transfers the call to the house phone so it starts ringing. If I never pick up the house phone, the answering machine is supposed to answer after four rings but the call gets terminated by the blocker before the answering machine ever picks up. Without the call blocker on the line, the answering machine will pick up quite reliably.

On the other hand, if I do pick up the house phone before the call is dropped, the house phone stops ringing but the blocker continues to ring for several more cycles before hanging up.

When I emailed the plugnblock people about this they quickly replied with the following.

"Your points are all valid. Unfortunately, these are the 'side effects' of SENTRY's."

"The good news is you only have to go through the screening process once. All you need to do is to put the number to the White List. White Listed callers will come through as normal and have access to voicemail. So once you complete the White List, you can enjoy peace without being bothered by the inconveniences."

"We hope you give SENTRY a couple more weeks."

Since this behavior effectively breaks the answering machine function for all future desired calls that have not yet been white-listed, the jury is still out on whether or not we keep it or return it and wait for the next generation product that does not have these defects.

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Maybe the following dialogue is associated with it not working for you.


Nor Verizon Wireless, unfortunately.
And it's a great service, although they do block a call that they
shouldn't from time to time. Like my newspaper's customer service
department, who were calling me to check on a complaint I had filed.

Verizon Wireless is how I finally got in. had to fiddle with it, I
called it a land line, came across FIOS digital voice and that worked.
just waiting for tomorrow to see how it works with political calls
(state primary is the 9th)

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