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Trying to solve a loading problem that started with the last MS update.  MS system restore cannot do the restore because a progam is open.  Suggests temporarily disabling all anti-virus and other programs of this type and running system restore again.   Can't find any instructions on a temp disable of Malwarebytes. 

Can you assist.


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Hello and :welcome:


You can right click on the Malwarebytes Icon in the system tray and click on Exit.


Also you can open Malwarebytes then click on Settings => Advanced Settings => and in that window Uncheck the top 3 items.


Start Malwarebytes Anti-Malware with Windows

Enable Malware Protection when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware starts

Enable Malicious Website Protection when Malwarebytes Anti-Malware starts


NOTE: If you perform a MS System Restore more than likely it is going to break the Malwarebytes installation. This is not a bug with Malwarebytes but rather something to do with the way system restore works.  So you would probably have to reinstall Malwarebytes.  It may be best to just uninstall Malwarebytes first, do your system restore, then reinstall Malwarebytes.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm really upset with the paid version of malwarebytes.  It's just to darn intrusive for my liking.  Can you believe it?  Blocking dot.tk so that I can't get into the Website?  Problem is that I put an exception in for dot.tk, but dot.tk resolves to english.  So malwarebytes isn't flexible enough to allow for dot.tk/en/etc.  It just POINT BLANK without any choice on my side block it.  Now that will be a very good reason for me to get rid of the paid version as I need to be in control of my computer.  And of the software on my computer.


I still don't get it how I can disable malwarebytes so that I can get into dot.tk.  Only solution for me now is to completely remove it from my computer.  Get some other protection instead.

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Hi, and :welcome: , deanhills:

You have replied to a topic that is quite old Posted 21 August 2014 - 04:36 PM, this is usually frowned upon, so its best to start your own topic for help. (staff my move this topic to its own thread)

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Each computer is unique.

Problems that sound "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions.

They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic".

Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the Start New Topic button. (where we can help you in your own topic)

The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide both you and the OP with individual help to get you both up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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