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What software do I need to create custom shields for?


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Hello all,


Please forgive my ignorance, I had created custom shields for most of the software on my computer, but it occurred to me that it might only be necessary for software that connects to the internet.


Does every piece of software on my computer need a custom shield or just the ones that connect to the internet?


Is there any specific software that should not be shielded?


Any help and assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards.


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  • Staff

You're correctly, mostly you want to use custom shields to protect:

1) other browser, PDF readers, Office or media players you are using which are not in the MBAE default shield list.

2) other Internet-facing applications which you may use which could also use exploit mitigation protection, such as for ex Skype, Messenger, RSS news readers, etc.


Of course you can add protection for other programs in your computer, but since MBAE protects against remote code execution type of vulnerabilities, there is not much need to add protection to non-Internet-facing applications.


I hope this helps clarify.

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It really depends. But a more important criteria than the update is if the app opens files from the Internet. For example Word doesn't normally connect to the Internet but can open files that come from the Internet and which can be rigged with exploits.

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Does anyone have any experience with Cygwin/Cygwin64 running ssh?  E.g., is anyone using any custom shields for this?

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Does anyone have any experience with Cygwin/Cygwin64 running ssh?  E.g., is anyone using any custom shields for this?

Would you consider this a "browser" or "other"?

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