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About ingber

  • Birthday 03/26/1941

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    ASA: Adaptive Simulated Annealing, Optimization, Importance Sampling, Nonlinear Systems, Stochastic Systems.
    COMBAT: Statistical Mechanical Analyses of Combat and Simulations.

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  1. How do I contact the recipient directly?
  2. I only see: postmaster@malwarebytes.onmicrosoft.com 6:09 PM (3 minutes ago) to me Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: Malwarebytes (accounts@malwarebytes.com) The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Please try resending your message later, or contact the recipient directly.
  3. NO. This does NOT work for just Androids. We want to keep our Lifetime Subscriptions on Windows!
  4. I see I was charged for my Pixel 8 Pro Phone app. I would like that reversed if possible, since we are not using MB on our Pixels. Thanks. Lester
  5. We have that info -- the ID and the Key for each of us.
  6. Each license has a Key and an ID.
  7. Yes, my PW, not my wife's. We have separate Life licenses.
  8. It is her account I am trying to salvage.
  9. I had to reply to activate getting replies to my previous message.
  10. Please send a private message to me at the email I am logged in on. We got new phones and I am locked out of my wife's phone. Thanks. Lester
  11. How can I remove permanently the Heart and MB icons from my phone home page?
  12. We'll just keep everything the way it is now. I tried a message to your AI assistant, but it was too long. Lester
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