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A Heaps Big Thankyou

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;) You guys ROCK!. Thanks for all the info you have collected and freely given back to the world. My 2 yr old hopped on the computer this morning and somehow (we shall use imagination) managed to stick the ol "Spylock" on the bloody thing.

To my amazment your site came up NUMBER one with google. also number 2 and 3 in some cases to my question.

Most people seem to have time to wait for your reply, (after posting the log) I cant. Need computer now.. ;) so I boldy researched more (even more malwarebytes pages) and found a whole host of Evil nasty dirty filthy little vermin running thru my computer. the delete key got a good work out, then hijackthis and then just to be sure, the Rouge one. Works a treat.

Not only did your information lead to the extermination of spylock <<<---- EVIL!!! but lead the demise of a number of other "Trojans". Good work.

So I really wanted to take the time to thankyou all. (10 mins of my life i give again for the same level of expert help. Life well spent!. ;)


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  • 1 month later...

Many, many thanks here, too! I don't have a two year old to blame but much older family members who should have known better!! Pop up tells them to update now to protect your computer and they thought they were doing a good thing! Of course they were busy checking out their favorite websites! :) GRRRR! Ad Aware, Spybot, and Avast saw the problem and "deleted it" but it kept coming back. Even tried running these programs in safe mode. The ugly icon wouldn't leave my task bar nor would they go away! Contra-Virus was my major problem but saw items like Ad Protect, Expert Antivirus, Virus Blast, and Spy Shield show up in different scans.

I did a lot of web searching and finally ran across your website through Kim Komando's site. Not sure of the links that I went through to get to your website but so glad I found you!! As soon as I ran your free program the problem was GONE! YES! :) Thank you! Thank you!!

I didn't go with your Pro addition because I didn't know (1) if it would fix my problem(???!!!) and (2) how much it would cost ($$)! I had read so much during my search how the major anti virus programs like Norten and McAfee can't even catch these rogues and many of these pay per year are expensive even though they are suppose to stop malware! Avast sure couldn't get rid of it nor Ad Aware or Spybot - Free! What a joke!

I am updating my free version to Pro ($14.95 for life!) which is a bargain for all the hours I spent trying to resolve my problem!! You guys deserve payment!

I would like your opinion of AVG (yeah, free) anti virus & spyware and Zone Alarm (free also)?

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Mr Malware B)

I wish to thankyou for your program it works great, I do not have a credit card but I would lke to purchace it from you it is worth it

The search speed is slow but I do not care how long it takes the main thing is it did the Job

I was unfortuanate to be in fected with Virusheat and managed to get rid of most of it my self but could not get rid of that popup

If you can tell me how I can pay for it I would appresiate that.

I thank you

Drstarbyte B)

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Hi Mr Malware B)

I wish to thankyou for your program it works great, I do not have a credit card but I would lke to purchace it from you it is worth it

The search speed is slow but I do not care how long it takes the main thing is it did the Job

I was unfortuanate to be in fected with Virusheat and managed to get rid of most of it my self but could not get rid of that popup

If you can tell me how I can pay for it I would appresiate that.

I thank you

Drstarbyte B)

Hi drstarbyte and welcome to Malwarebytes. I can't answer the purchase question but I can suggest you get help in our free forum to get rid of the rest of your infection. http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2936 follow the instructions there and let one of our excellent assistants help you clean up the machine for you.

I'll be sure to point this out to RubbeR DuckY and he can get back to you on how to purchase.

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