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Hello: :)


You do not say if you are running MBAM 2.0 or MBAM 1.75, or if you are running Free or PRO/PREMIUM.


Assuming you are talking about MBAM 2.0, PROGRAM updates are currently delivered automatically (when available), when a "check for updates" is performed.  In other words, there is currently no separate control for manual program updates in version 2.0, as there was in version 1.x.  The team has said that this functionality/control will be restored with a later build to be released later this year.


If you are asking when you will receive the update to version from an earlier build, the update is being rolled out gradually over several days/weeks.  In other words, not all users get the update at the same time. 

If you do not yet have the update and you do not want to wait to get it automatically, you may download it from this link >>HERE<<.

Or, if you wish, you can perform a "clean upgrade" by following the instructions here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x


Thank you,



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I have 1 Question about Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Can MBAM check for program updates

If you have the license activated Premium version - Yes MBAM can update its program.


When yes how can I check it

In either case; Paid Consumer-Premium or Free versions, you may open the MBAM2 User Interface (UI) and click on Update Now >> in the Dashboard.

Thank you.

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Yep, that too! :)

Thanks, 1PW.


(I pretty much assumed that the user has been updating already -- either as a scheduled task with PREMIUM or manually with Free.  But there have been a few users who couldn't find the manual "update now" link.)


delphin136 will hopefully clarify his question for us, but I think he might have been asking about how/when to get the latest PROGRAM update? :unsure:

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I have the MBAM 2.0.1 free Edition


OK, so are you trying to find out when you will be updated to the current PROGRAM version


In order to get the update from version Free to Free, there are 2 options:

  1. Wait for it to be available to you via the Update Now link in the GUI, as 1PW explained.  It is being delivered gradually to all users -- so it may be a few more days before it comes to you.  (If you are running MBAM Free, you need to Update Now manually each time before running each scan, anyway.), OR
  2. If you want to upgrade immediately, you may go to >>THIS LINK<< and download & run the full installer file.  You can upgrade on top of your existing version. (If you want to perform a "clean" upgrade from to, please follow the advice >>here<<.)




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Assuming you are talking about MBAM 2.0, PROGRAM updates are currently delivered automatically (when available), when a "check for updates" is performed.  In other words, there is currently no separate control for manual program updates in version 2.0, as there was in version 1.x.  The team has said that this functionality/control will be restored with a later build to be released later this year.



Yes, CURRENTLY, in version 2.0, there is no separate user control over PROGRAM updates in either the Free or the PREMIUM version.

The developers have said that they plan to restore that lost functionality (which was an option in version 1.x) in a later release, but I don't know when.


Until then, YES, AFAIK PROGRAM updates in version 2.0 will be provided automatically for all users (Free and PREMIUM), as part of the update check process.

It is not released to everyone at the same time.


So, yes, if you "Update Now" MANUALLY and you are not prompted about it, then it has not yet been provided to your computer.

If you do not want to wait and would like to upgrade NOW, then please follow the instructions in my previous replies.


:) Does this answer your question? :)


Thank you,

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