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There appears to be problems with Automated Scheduling.   If I set it to scan at 2:00 a.m. once a week, it will start at 1:45 a.m.   Also, the Dashboard says next scan will be in a week at 2:01:45 a.m., but the Automated Scheduling section says 2:00 a.m.


Also, if I Malwarebytes exits, such as when restarting the computer, if I go into the Automated Scheduling section, under the Frequency column of the table, it says "Repeats once every 0 week(s)".   But when going to Edit, it appears it is actually still set for once per week.  


Also, it will not let me set it for more than once per week.  If I set it, for example, to scan every 2 weeks, and then if I restart the computer or otherwise exit the program, and  then go back to the Automated Scheduling section, it says "Repeats once every 0 week(s)".   But when going to Edit, it is set for once per week. 


Please advise.  I have tested this on 2 separate computers with XP (yes, I know I should be upgrading the OS, but that is not the issue, unless the reasons for these problems have to do with XP)



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Hello legaldeejay:

MBAM2's scanner settings now are intentionally given a +/-15 minute execution times.

Your version is one release behind and many fixes and some improvements can be yours by following the below procedures:

Please let us know, in a reply to this thread, if the above steps have helped you with your issue.

Thank You. :)

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Hello legaldeejay:

MBAM2's scanner settings now are intentionally given a +/-15 minute execution times.


In addition to 1PW's expert advice....


FYI Scheduled scans are randomized +/- 15 minutes ONLY if the setting for "Check for Updates Before Scanning" is enabled (this is a new feature in 2.0).

If that setting is disabled, scheduled scans will still occur at the exact scheduled time (as in version 1.x).  So, if you prefer your scan times NOT to be randomized, please disable that setting.  As long as scheduled update checks are frequent enough (e.g. the hourly default schedule), you should be fine.

(Scheduled update checks continue to be randomized +/- 15 minutes, as they have been for the past several versions...)


Otherwise, please follow 1PW's suggestions. :)






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Before I do this, why didn't it update automatically from 1004 to 1012?  I have 2 machines with XP and one with Windows 7 and none of them automatically updated.  They all still have 1004, and I cannot find any option to manually update the program.  I only see the option to manually update the database.  

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PROGRAM updates from to are being released automatically, but gradually, to a portion of users at a time.


It might take a few days for you to get it automatically via the internal auto-updater.


The "clean reinstall" instructions provided by 1PW in his first reply will update you NOW, without having to wait.


Yes, program updates come down with database updates now, in version 2.0.

There is no separate control of them (yet) in version 2.0, like there was in version 1.x.

(Developers have promised to return this feature in a future release.)


So, if you do a MANUAL "Check for Updates" and you don't get the PROGRAM update yet, it just means that it hasn't yet been made available to your system.

If you do not perform the suggested clean update to now (as 1PW suggested in his original reply), you will eventually get it via the internal auto-updater.


This recent topic rehashes this discussion in more detail: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=149258


Hope this helps,

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OK, thanks.   I manually updated on the Malwarebytes site.  Should the "clean reinstall" instructions fix the issues I am having on all 3 computers where it it still saying "Repeats once every 0 week(s)" in the Automated Scheduling section, but it is actually still set for once per week, and should this fix the other issue where I cannot set it to scan more than every week?

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OK, thanks.   I manually updated on the Malwarebytes site.  Should the "clean reinstall" instructions fix the issues I am having on all 3 computers where it it still saying "Repeats once every 0 week(s)" in the Automated Scheduling section, but it is actually still set for once per week, and should this fix the other issue where I cannot set it to scan more than every week?


Can't say for sure.

Each computer is unique.

Problems that sound "the same" often have a different cause.

The solution is often different, too.


The latest build contains numerous bug fixes over

And it has resolved updating and other issues for some users.


So, updating is strongly recommended, especially for folks experiencing problems with


Having said that, there are still a few bugs, several of which are purely cosmetic -- what you describe sounds like it could be one of those.

We cannot tell for sure until you update.


To minimize confusion, I would suggest upgrading 1 computer at at time, carefully following the steps here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

If you still have issues after that, then please post back about that 1 system, and we will help you.

If not, then feel free to update the other systems, too.



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Are you saying that you don't see the options in the drop-down menu shown in the attached screenshot on any of your updated computers?


If that's the case, then please start with 1 affected computer, read the instructions here and then please post back the requested logs: Diagnostic Logs.


Having said that, MBAM is designed to run alongside an antivirus (AV) to specifically target zero-hour and zero-day threats not detected by the AV.

>>>The default settings for scheduled tasks (hourly update checks and daily Threat scans) are a good routine to follow.


Additional scans less often (every few weeks or months) wouldn't add anything significant to that.

This is especially so since the active, real-time protection  of MBAM PREMIUM is designed to help PREVENT infection.

This is always preferable to cleaning up after an infection has been sitting on the system for weeks.


Hope this helps,


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Yes, those options are there. The problem is that it is not saving if I choose, for example, every 2 weeks after I restart the computer. It seems to default to 1 week. I suppose it doesn't matter because I would not have it wait that long. Just noticing this behavior on testing.

But even when setting it to every week, it will show as repeating every 0 weeks when going to the Automated scheduling section after restarting. However, when going to Edit, it says every week and Dashboard indicates the next week.

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OK, so, if I understand you correctly, you are making changes to the automated scheduler for your scans, but it appears that your changes are not "sticking" and are not being honored when you restart the computer?


>>>I know it's a stupid question, but I assume you click the "OK" button in the lower right to save any scheduler settings changes?


There most definitely is still a known bug in the dashboard display of "next scheduled scan time".

However, it is only cosmetic -- the scans will still run on schedule, as can be confirmed by clicking "History" > "Application Logs".

And there have been other reports of other scheduler settings going "blank" and not "sticking".


You may be seeing something related to that.

However, I don't know of anyone reporting the specific issue with weekly schedules not being honored.

TBH not many users schedule their scans to run so far apart.

IOW, with daily scheduled Threat scans -- as recommended -- it's easy to check in the logs to see if the scan runs OK, without having to wait 2 weeks to find out. ;)


Here is one more thing to try:

  • Place a check-mark in  the "Select" column next to that scheduled scan in the Scheduler Window > click the "Remove" button, then create a new scheduled scan with the settings you prefer > then click "OK".

In order to know whether it's cosmetic or functional, you'd need to schedule a scan "Every 2 Weeks" and then wait for the next scheduled scan day/time and then check the logs.

IOW, either way, despite what you're seeing in the dashboard/display, the schedule itself might be running, but the time for another scan hasn't yet come, so it's impossible to say for sure.


TBH, resetting the automated scheduler to the recommended default (hourly update checks and daily Threat scans) might also resolve the issue.


If these don't work, then the staff will definitely need some system information.

Please follow the steps here and post back the Diagnostic Logs from 1 of the affected computers at a time.




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See attached files.


In Doc1, this is what the Automated Scheduling Screen looks like below.  For Threat Scan, under Frequency, it indicates repeat every 0 weeks.


Now, when putting a check mark in the box for the Threat Scan option, and selecting Edit above, this is what appears in Doc2.


Notice that the recurrence is actually 1 week, not 0 weeks.  When clicking Ok, the prior screen will then say repeat every 1 week, BUT, if restarting the computer, that screen will again say 0 weeks.   So it appears this is a cosmetic bug.  The dashboard indicates the next scan will be a week after the prior one.  See Doc 3.


Also, note that this is the latest version 1012, not 1004.   And this is happening on 2 XP machines and one Windows 7 machine.  Seems improbable that I should have to do clean reinstalls on 3 machinesDoc1.rtfDoc2.rtfDoc3.rtf

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Thanks for that info.
However, if you aren't willing to try a reinstall, then additional useful information will be provided by the requested diagnostic logs, please:

If these don't work, then the staff will definitely need some system information.
Please follow the steps here and post back the Diagnostic Logs from 1 of the affected computers at a time.

That will help to determine what might be causing the issue.


Please post back with the logs from *1* of the computers at a time.



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