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version 1.75? definition update

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A while back i uninstalled 2.0 and reinstalled 1.75. It has been working fine, and definitions have been updated. I just tried to update definitions and instead it downloaded 2.0, and keeps telling me a new version is available. Is this normal? You guys are no longer sending out the definitions to 1.74?

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basically my question is, is it normal that instead of updating the definition when i clicked update(as i always do) it automatically downloaded version 2? Last update i had was 5.18.01...and then i tried updating again and it went straight to downloading 2.0(which i have no intention of using) and it now tells me to install it each time  i open mwb.

is this normal or an infection? thanks

oh and my signitures didnt increase much with the update to 5.18..what is the normal amount?

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If you really want to stay with 1.75 PRO for now, then you'll need to change the updater settings, as shown in the screen shot.  That will postpone the program updates.


However, in order to continue to get database updates, you'll need to use the scheduler -- open the GUI > settings > scheduler settings, and then schedule your update task, as shown in the screen shot.

Hourly update checks are sufficient for most users; please be aware that scheduled update checks are randomized +/- 15 minutes of the scheduled time.


Having said all that, please be aware that version 2.x is a more powerful scanning tool, with the ability to look for malware in places that version 1.x cannot.

Moreover, support for version 1.x will eventually end.


So, if you do not upgrade to version 2.x and allow the staff to assist you with any issues you might have, then you will be out of luck when version 1.x support ends.  


The staff will be more than happy to assist you with getting 2.x working well on your systems.


As for the size of the signatures database, that will fluctuate a bit from time to time, as new items are added and old ones are removed, as well as with periodic database consolidation.






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thanks for the response. but that didnt answer my question. I was mainly asking if it was normal that when i clicked update that it automatically downloaded 2.0 instead of 5.18.02. i was just curious if there was a virus or something. I'm also a free user not a pro user.


I wound up last night downloading the beta, and it worked a lot better than the old 2.0 worked..but a cvouple of questions

1- on the old version, rootkits were not checked by default, and in this version under settings, rootkits are checked by default. i just wanted to make sure that was normal, and i didnt download a fake copy.

2- on the dashboard next to license there is a red x and not a green check mark. is that normal since  i have the free version? Same with realtime protection. I know that only paid version has real time protection, but is the red x normal in free mode?

3- Lastly, I looked at scan history and see scan logs from april. I think that's when i had 2.0 installed originally, but i uninstalled it a while back, and just installed this new beta, so why are there april scan logs? thanks. and if you know the answer to my question about 1.75 and automatically dl to 2.0 i'd like an answer.

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I agree mabm has turned 1.75... into nagware,

2.0what ever has had a poor upgrade for 1.75...Pro users in 2.0...short lifespan,

Turning 1.75.. into Nagware is not only an insult to that injury it makes No practical sense for a business to do to customers that made mabm where it is today or at least where it was a month in a half or so ago = Popular and flawless,


Does this leave another bad taste = Yes


A very poor new business model IMHO,

I have 3 pro licenses and two 2 year extended download contracts for version 1.75... that don't expire until 11/13/14, 

Which mabm is about to be Breach.


Where is the Refund line ?

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thanks for the response. but that didnt answer my question. I was mainly asking if it was normal that when i clicked update that it automatically downloaded 2.0 instead of 5.18.02. i was just curious if there was a virus or something. I'm also a free user not a pro user.


Let's start with your first question:


Sorry, but I think I did answer your question.

At least I tried. :(


It appears that you may be confusing PROGRAM updates and DATABASE updates???

They are 2 different things.


Program updates occur rarely and a new, major version was released about 7 weeks ago.

That is version 2.0.


Database updates occur 10-12 times a day.

The current one, as of the moment, is 2014.05.18.06.


So, yes, if you had MBAM 1.75 configured to automatically check for and download PROGRAM updates (my FIRST screen shot), you will have been automatically updated to version 2.0. (The current public release is

This is the same for both Free and PRO.

With Free, if you have it set to check for program updates and download/install them, then it will do so when you next manually check for updates.

With Free, if you have those settings disabled (as shown in my first screen shot), then it will not.


This is a separate process and feature and setting from the automatic database updates that occur 10-12 times per day in the PRO version.

You are correct -- there are no automatic, scheduled update checks.

The user must check for updates (both database and program) manually.

Sorry, but I didn't realize from your original post that you were only running the Free version.


Hope this helps for starters,



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twopointoh to be more specific and answer your question, YES it is normal for the program to download the latest public version when you click check for updates, if in your version 1.75 you had enabled (enabled by default) to check for program updates. Also if you disable the check for program updates version 1.75 will still download definition updates until its no longer supported.


A1. Yes its normal, you did not download the wrong version so long as you used the link that daledoc1 provided.


A2. As for the Red X, can you provide a screen shot so we can see exactly what you are talking about. Since you are using the free version I assume its correct.


A3. The scan logs are present because the regular installer will not remove the logs in case you are going to reinstall again.  In order to remove everything you would have had to run the mbam-clean tool. The second part of 3 is already answered above A1.

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I agree mabm has turned 1.75... into nagware,

2.0what ever has had a poor upgrade for 1.75...Pro users in 2.0...short lifespan,

Turning 1.75.. into Nagware is not only an insult to that injury it makes No practical sense for a business to do to customers that made mabm where it is today or at least where it was a month in a half or so ago = Popular and flawless,


Does this leave another bad taste = Yes


A very poor new business model IMHO,

I have 3 pro licenses and two 2 year extended download contracts for version 1.75... that don't expire until 11/13/14, 

Which mabm is about to be Breach.


Where is the Refund line ?


I am only a home user and forum volunteer.

But until staff arrives to address your concerns....


In order to better assist both the OP and you, it would probably help if you could please start your own, separate thread?

That way, the staff and forum experts could provide individual assistance for your specific issues.


EDIT: It looks as if you now have a separate post here. Thanks.


As far as refunds, that would have to be handled by customer service.

They can be contacted here: Contact Customer Support.

They would know the refund terms, or there may information here.





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a lot to reply to, but first i'd like to say thanks again.

As far as the program updates vs database updates, what  i was saying was that when i clicked update(on the database updates) instead of downloading 5.18.02 it downloaded version 2.0 and tld e to upgrade. i then clicked cancel and it told me  i had the latest database for 1.75.


the program i downloaded was the beta from box.com.



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Hi, again:


Well, you had a lot of questions. So, we tried to answer them all. :D


I confess now to being confused -- you said you were running 1.75, but your latest screenshot shows the version GUI.

So I guess you did upgrade after all?

I do not run the Free version on my computers, but that looks like the expected display for someone with only the Free version.

Yes, there will be red X for both "license" and "real-time protection", because those features are not available in the Free version.


The DATABASE version looks to be about right for the time of day that you posted -- my own computer, several hours later, is now showing 2014.05.18.09 because there have been a few updates since then.


Thank you,



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it was 5.18.09 when i posted at 7 o clock, but  i just tried to update again bc  i wanted to run a threat scan, and it is still 5.18.09? is that right?

btw, when looking at my screenshot is it normal under the scan column it says ''not running'' instead of my last scan time?

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On average, there are 10-12 updates per 24 hour period.

Sometimes more, sometimes less.


Yes, I am still on 2014.0518.09 now, too.

EDIT: Thanks, Firefox! ;)


You are correct in that users running MBAM Free should do a manual check for updates by clicking the "Update Now" link in the main window before a scan. :)

Yes, what you are seeing looks normal for someone running MBAM Free -- since there are no scheduled, automatic tasks (updates or scans) with MBAM Free, it will not show the "Next Scheduled Scan Time" that would be displayed in the PREMIUM version.





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thanks dale!


i just ran a threat scan, and i had 2 questions. te first is that the rootkit database is 3.27.14 i think accordingg to the log. is that the newest version?? it's from march?

second question is that at some points during the heuristic analysis the scan stopped for a few seconds before going up in number of files scanned. in the old mwb it was one continuous jump through 100s of thousands of files.

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Yes, both normal.


The rootkit database doesn't update as often as the malware database.

"Skipping" files in the display during a scan is completely normal for MBAM and all security apps -- it's merely a cosmetic appearance of "skipping" files.

Scan times for MBAM and many other security applications will also get a bit shorter for repeat scans run during the same session of Windows -- something called "disk caching". Again, normal.



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Thanks dale, some follow up questions :P

i thought rootkits changed all the time. how can i be protected if the database is from march?

Next question, you misunderstood my question about the skipping files :P i was saying that in the old version during heuristics it would skip really fast, but the last scan i did it actually paused and got stuck at a few numbers before skipping. thanks

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Only the staff and the Research Team can directly answer your question about the timeline for updating the anti-rootkit database.
As for the heuristics scanning -- AFAIK it's normal to both appear to "skip" files (incremental increases in the number of files scanned) and for short pauses (while the scanner works).
If you have concerns about what you are seeing, then the staff will need to see some basic system data.
To do that, please read the following and post back the requested logs. - Diagnostic Logs
You could also post back with one of your scan logs, if you wish.
The staff will review the logs to make sure everything is working as expected.
NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here: - Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF

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