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Constant Freezing every 10-15 minutes

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Can someone please help me with this issue? My computer just randomly started freezing out of no where. I was sitting idle on a game when it froze the first time, thought nothing of it and restarted. 10 minutes later it froze again, then again, and so forth. I've ran spybot, microsoft security essentials, CC cleaner, rogue killer & malwarebytes. Everything is coming back clean. I really don't even know what to do from here..


help please!

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Can someone please help me with this issue? My computer just randomly started freezing out of no where. I was sitting idle on a game when it froze the first time, thought nothing of it and restarted. 10 minutes later it froze again, then again, and so forth. I've ran spybot, microsoft security essentials, CC cleaner, rogue killer & malwarebytes. Everything is coming back clean. I really don't even know what to do from here..


help please!


I've attached something from Farbar & the MBAM check if it helps at all..



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