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Insane security - I can't even delete an mbam shortcut

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Hi MBAM... I think security has been taken a little too far in your latest version (Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

I installed it and decided I didn't want the shortcut icon on the desktop. Went to delete it and I'm told I need to get permission from an administrator to delete a shortcut?


I have administrator rights - I am the administrator so something is seriously wrong with not being able to delete a shortcut. I'm assuming that I won't be able to uninstall the application either or change anything? How do I regain control? I've tried changing my access level - I am prevented from making any changes AT ALL.


Can you please lower the paranoia level a little so I can control my own application?


FileAccess Denied

You need permission to perform this action.

You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this file.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Location mbam C:\Program Files(x86)\MalwareBytes Anti-Malware

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It sounds as if you have MBAM 2.00 Self-Protection (SP) enabled.

If you temporarily disable it, you should be able to manipulate the shortcut.


See here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=146011

Program Information, Item #1.


Please let us know if that resolves your issue.






P.S. Self-Protection is designed to do just that: prevent MBAM files from being altered by malware.  Under normal circumstances, it's probably not necessary to enable that feature.

But YMMV depending on your computing habits, etc. ;)

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yep ok fixed that but now I just continually get reminders that the Databases are out of date - I click the Update Now button and it just pops straight back up again. I can't update. I'm connected and internet is fine - are your servers down or something? All I know is that since V2 of your application I have had nothing but trouble - and I never had any problems with your application like this before. You have NOT tested this application enough to release it. I consider this Beta bordering on Alpha software. I am uninstalling and going back to your old, not as beautiful looking, but working properly version. Send me an email when you've fixed the problems or pay me to be a Beta tester for you. VERY DISAPPOINTED MBAM, you have definitely not measured up to your previous reputation. DO BETTER!

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It sounds as if you have MBAM 2.00 Self-Protection (SP) enabled.

If you temporarily disable it, you should be able to manipulate the shortcut.


See here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=146011

Program Information, Item #1.


Please let us know if that resolves your issue.






P.S. Self-Protection is designed to do just that: prevent MBAM files from being altered by malware.  Under normal circumstances, it's probably not necessary to enable that feature.

But YMMV depending on your computing habits, etc. ;)


Great!  I encountered this same issue on a Windows 8.1 system and the self-protection module didn't even occur to me as being involved.  

Thanks for the info!



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