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hotmail deleted emails done by malware bytes?

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i installed the free version of malware bytes. i used it. a day or two later... i noticed all my hotmail emails were deleted. but the emails in my "deletred" folder were still there. a day or two later- all my emails in my hotmail account were gone-everything! absolutely gone.

i was told anti spam programs can make this happen. please advise and thanks.

anyway to get the files back?


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MBAM does not touch web mail or indeed, any other mail accounts. Chances are either someone gained access to your account (in which case, changing your password is highly advised), or Hotmail pruned them. The only suggestion I can give is to get in touch with Hotmail (support @ hotmail.com I believe).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hotmail account emails deleted

i am sorry for the delay. it is a long story to explain.

my question is: is it possible that mbam is not compatible with spanish configured computers or european computers?

repeating the story. simplistic mode-

install mbam on a friend's computer which was configured for spain. windows xp.

found many trojans etc. we quarantined it.

next day we find the hotmail emails were deleted but not the trash emails.

then following day... all the hotmail emails are gone including the trash. all correspondence records are gone.

after hearing the story, the school computer experts determined it was the syware program fault.

i was told to un-quarentine the trojans which supposedly will restore the emails. it did not.

other advisors opined mbam was too powerful and not compatible with european computers. (spanish)


i have my thoughts but i do not want to influence other posters replies.

btw- support@hotmail did not work. hotmail referred us to a different website. the hotmail forum advisor referred us to their forum for similar-like questions- which there was none.


MBAM does not touch web mail or indeed, any other mail accounts. Chances are either someone gained access to your account (in which case, changing your password is highly advised), or Hotmail pruned them. The only suggestion I can give is to get in touch with Hotmail (support @ hotmail.com I believe).
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