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infected or not?

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I received a pop up of a notification of a possible malcious site on an email I received .

I still get a notification from this one email.

I emailed into Malware Bytes Support. I have the PRO version.


I received a reply and the support staff had me run some checks and email him back the logs, There were about 5 checks I did for him.

He came back saying I should run adwcleaner. I asked some questions but he just replied. run the cleaner.

So I did and sent the log.

Then he came back saying I should run combo fix. I asked more questions as to why and he came back saying - run the combo fix. no answers to any of my questions.

I finally did and sent the logs.

Now he wants me to run a root kit beta program. Looking at  the disclaimer and reading here about issues with it I am afraid.

My PC ssems to be running fine - no issues whatsoever that I can see except that pop  up from that one email.


So again I asked for sometihng in a reply as to why he thnks my machine is infected or something but I hae asked before and he does not give an answer.

Basically just do as your told.

I am not techically inept so I can follow directions and do undestand  basic principals of comuting.

As I said nothing seems to be wrong. I get no sign besides the pop ups.

So am I infected or not?

I just wish he would tell me what he has found or not found and why he thinks I should be running this beta program on the possibility of issues from it.

I would just like to know,

Looking for answers to questions..





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