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Hide Flash Scan


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Hi Folks. My first post in the forum.


I am curious if there is a way to hide Flash Scan so it scans in the background without showing the UI on the desktop?


I have my Updater Settings configured for once an hour and after the update is installed, I have Flash Scan enabled. The UI appearing during the scan will close full-screen programs and is also a bit annoying if I am working on another computer via remote connection.


Summary: Can Flash Scan be done in the background?

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Hello and  :welcome: , teachmelee:

Staff will correct me if I am wrong...


AFAIK, with the current version of MBAM PRO, the Flash Scans run after database updates cannot be silent.

So, if you want to disable that feature altogether, please follow the steps in the figure below:
AFAIK, Only SCHEDULED scans (Flash, Quick or Full) can be run silently from the system account.

See below for an example:







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  • Root Admin

You're looking at database updates not scans.  You also appear to have it opened with a non Admin account as it looks to be grayed out there.  Anyway you need to be on the SCAN entry not the Update entry.    As for a Flash Scan personally I see no real use for it but we had a lot of users that wanted it so we went ahead and added it.

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I see what you are saying about "update" settings.   I am unable to check the "scan" radio button. Any suggestions?


...You can't edit the SCAN settings because you are in the "Update" section window. ;)

Scan settings (including enabling or disabling the silent option) need to be edited from the Scan section.

Update settings (including enabling or disabling the Flash scan after updates) need to be edited from the Update section.


It might help to take another, careful look at my screen shots, especially Step 3 in the second screen cap. :)

You need to back out one step to the "Scheduler Settings" tab, and then select (highlight) your Scan under the "Type" heading.


Hope this helps (I realize you seem to be running Windows XP and my screen caps are Win7, but they are very similar),



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  • 2 weeks later...

As we are in de suggestions part of the forum:


AFAIK, with the current version of MBAM PRO, the Flash Scans run after database updates cannot be silent.



I'd like to see that change so it can be run silent.

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  • Root Admin

If it's silent then that pretty much removes the need for it.  In general I personally see little value in it.  If in some astronomical chance that your computer either has an infection or got an infection that is now seen that was previously unknown then it will still require either a Quick Scan or Full Scan to remove such threat.  Some users wanted it so we added it but (IMHO) it would be better to setup fully automated updates and Quick Scans.  Set the updates to say every 4 hours or less and a Quick Scan for once a day.  That should more than keep you safe unless you're purposefully hunting down looking for 0 day malware threats.

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