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Transfering LIcenses

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Hi All,


I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to the procedure for transferring a paid pro version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to a new desktop (well.. reformatting). Unfortunately, I do not have the original order number, and the product key is blocked on the info pane leaving me with only the ID number.


Any suggestions as to how I could go about transferring this license?


Best Regards,


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Hello and welcome, A72: :)


Transferring your consumer license is pretty easy.

This KB topic explains how: How do I transfer a licensed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware PRO to my new computer?


If you no longer have your license ID & key, here is additional info on how to retrieve that info -- please refer to part 3 of this topic: I need to reinstall Malwarebytes Anti-Malware licensed version (and need my key & ID)


And the reseller contact info is here: Why is my payment processed by Cleverbridge?


If you're comfortable looking in the Registry, the info can also be found there (we can tell you how); however, if you've already reformatted, then this won't be an option.


Hope this helps,



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If you have lost your original confirmation email and have already reformatted your hard drive, then YES, you'll need to contact Cleverbridge (assuming you purchased online).


(If you purchased a boxed CD, the license ID & key will be inside the box, e.g. on the CD sleeve.)

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Ah, OK.
Good. :)
If you are comfortable poking around in the Windows registry....

You can also look up your ID and Key from the Registry and copy and paste it to a Notepad document before running the mbam-clean utility.

Location for Windows x86
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
Location for Windows x64
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware



Hope this helps,



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Not something I'm particularly familiar with, but never hurts to do a bit of research and learn. 


In the event that I'm unable to navigate through properly, I'm assuming at that point I would need to contact Cleverbridge?



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Not something I'm particularly familiar with, but never hurts to do a bit of research and learn. 


In the event that I'm unable to navigate through properly, I'm assuming at that point I would need to contact Cleverbridge?




If you're not comfortable with looking in the registry (make no changes!!!!!), then, yes, contacting Cleverbridge will be the safest thing to do.

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  • Root Admin

You can use the following program to save a text file copy of it on your desktop.  You should have an email from Cleverbridge as well with this information.  You should then copy this file off of your desktop to a more appropriate location such as your Documents folder.





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You can use the following program to save a text file copy of it on your desktop.  You should have an email from Cleverbridge as well with this information.  You should then copy this file off of your desktop to a more appropriate location such as your Documents folder.






Using this I managed to find the product key. Apparently the one I obtained through the registry was incorrect (or I was looking in the wrong place). This small .exe is exactly what I needed - is that publicly available somewhere on your website?


Best Regards,


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Well, I guess our trusty forum Admin was on the case! :)

(1 reply from him and you would have been all set. That's why he's the forum Admin! :D )


Sorry I didn't suggest that tool, as I think it might be new.


Glad you finally did get it sorted.


Thanks for your patience!

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