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Malwarebytes Pre-purchase Question

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Hi folks,

It's been long overdue, but I'm finally going to break my 'glass piggy-bank' and by the pay ware version of MB. I have to admit that I'm short on details regarding the MB pay ware info and WILL be taking time to read all the additional things that it can do.

But if someone can just tell me real quick if the MB pay ware will conflict with MSE, that'll help. Basically, I never paid attention if MSE and MB could run together and at the moment, MSE is my real-time protection. But as a rule, I've always understood that only one can have the real-time position if two exist.

What I'm initially planning to do is continue to use MB in the way I use the freeware version now and then as I get a better understanding of how it works, I'll allow it to run in real-time.

What I like about MSE is that I don't have to fuss with it much at all. I keep it updated, and run scans 3 to 5 times every 9 or 10 days on average. I don't revolve my schedule around the program and I like that.

But MB freeware has found more trojans and viruses than MSE has and MSE has even missed some that MB didn't. I think there was only one time that MB missed something MSE had found but it was long ago and I can't even be sure of it. So as long as I don't have to 'spoon-feed' MB on some daily or tri-daily bases, I'll wind up putting MB in charge.

So to repeat the question: Does MSE's Real-time have to be turned off if MB's Real-time is turned on?

Thanks, Rich

Windows 7 64bit

Asrock mobo, Intel i7 CPU, 16GB RAM 700w PSU

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OK... um, it's MB that I'm asking about though. I guess another way to put the questions is; Can MSE and MB both operate in Real time protection mode simultaneously without disrupting each other?

I’ve always understood that you can’t have two virus protection programs running at the same time, so I’m assuming the answer is “no”. But it doesn’t hurt to ask, right?

Anyway, can they do that?

Thanks, Rich

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I use MSE & Mbam pro together, no problems ever here!!

I also have some exclusions added, but as I understand it, Malwarebytes is working on not needing these in the near future.

I was going to post them here for you (the exclusions) but I can't seem to find them. I'm sure someone else can jump in with those :)

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I use MSE & Mbam pro together, no problems ever here!!

I also have some exclusions added, but as I understand it, Malwarebytes is working on not needing these in the near future.

I was going to post them here for you (the exclusions) but I can't seem to find them. I'm sure someone else can jump in with those :)

Thank you!

That's good news. I'm sure one of my exclusions will be MSE !

However, if someone posts their exclusion list, I certainly would be interested to see what they've done. It'll serve as a good example for me, that's for sure.

Thanks again, Rich

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  • Root Admin

I run MSE and MBAM Pro on a couple of computers and I actually have no exclusions set for either one and I've not had an issue myself.

As I said earlier - if you do have an issue let us know and we'll assist you with it.

You can try the product in TRIAL mode if you like as long as you've not already used the Trial before.

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Thanks Ron,

I believe I've used up my 'trial' option months ago. In fact, I had accidentally activated it when I was updating the freeware version, if I remember correctly. But that's fine, I'm buying Malwarebytes today and when I get a chance I'll put it through a few tests but it's not a big concern for me at this point.

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